So I am completely obsessed with the movie Pacific Rim and the thought of giant, man operated robot/fighting machines. Times are tough and near the end, nearly apocalyptic due to the alien invasions that keep occurring all over the world. There are several bases set up around the world, all under ground/water, all very secret, and all in communication with each other. There are machines that can be piloted by a single person, and there are machines that can take doubles or triples depending on the team and the links. For those that have not seen the movie, each machine that has more than 1 operated has to have a brain link to help them control the machines and be in sync with each other. I don't want it to be exactly like the movie, obviously, but something similar or roughly based off of it. Would anyone be interested in an RP like this? Also, I am relatively new to the site and and still learning the basics, so would anyone want to tackle it together?