[hider=Livrelle Rienne Alendier] [color=#8B5F65][h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [color=#8B5F65][b]Name:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Livrelle Rienne Alendier[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b][/color] [INDENT][i]Dr. Miracle~[/i] Any of her patients can call her this because of the fact that her result are, well, practically impossible. They aren't supposed to be [i]that good.[/i] [i]The secret angel~[/i] Due to the fact that she has her own little hospital in her apartment, people began to call her this. The people that went to her because they couldn't afford medical care or pay for the surgeries that they would have to go through. [i]Liv~[/i] Just a nickname since her name is Livrenna and you can shorten it to Liv.[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Gender:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Age:[/b][/color] [INDENT]26[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Height:[/b][/color] [INDENT]6ft[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Weight:[/b][/color] [INDENT]126[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Home District:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Greencrest Heights.[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][h3][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [color=#8B5F65][b]Hair Color:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Dark Brown[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Eye Color:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Light Blue[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Ethnicity:[/b][/color] [INDENT]English and Brazilian[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Physical Appearance:[/b][/color] [INDENT]With a very feminine and hot face, Livrelle has always had a thing about her appearance that just made other people feel a bit anxious just by being around her. Her skin tone is pretty pale. She has light blue eyes are large and seem to dart around the room very often. She looks straight forward but when she stands still, her eyes cannot. She has a model type body and could be considered [i]too[/i] skinny. It looks as if she rarely ever eats. Standing at exactly 6 feet, she is taller than an average woman but she’s never considered herself too tall. Compared to a model’s body, she has a bit more muscle though. She is well toned and she has abs. Livrelle has always taken care of her body and made sure that she had enough strength to hold herself up during a fight and make sure that she didn’t get hurt. She stands up tall and straight all of the time. Slouching is something that she wouldn’t dare to do. Her hair that is a dark brown has tousled light waves that are either down or in a tight ponytail in the back. Her face is extremely symmetrical and her bangs are mostly on the right side, framing her face on the sides. Livrelle has rosy lips that are smaller than average lips and that is something that she used to feel self conscious about but now she doesn't as much. She's found that her small lips are quite cute on the contrary. [/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Attire:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Livrelle has a mature aura to her and that is shown in her fashion sense. There is nothing suggestive about her outfit. Her typical outfit almost [i]always[/i] consists of at least a blazer to make her look more professional. Livrelle does not show her chest unless it is at a special even due to her parents influence that it made a better impression if she showed a little bit but not too much.On off work days, she will perhaps wear something more casual such as a lengthy skirt along with a blouse. She doesn't wear skirts that are too short because she has an image to uphold and it isn't one that says she is immature. With all of her outfits, she wears a beautiful [url=http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1AdIxJpXXXXcpXpXXq6xXFXXXp/Rose-Bloom-Budd-Beautiful-Flower-Necklace-Chain-Quartz-Mini-Small-Pocket-Watch-Wonderful-Girlfriend-Girl-Wife.jpg]pocket watch[/url] that has been passed down her mother's side of the family for a long time. She also [i]always[/i] has on a pair of latex gloves if she can due to the fact that she's pretty much a germophobe. [/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][h3][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [color=#8B5F65][b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Livrelle is a very nervous and rapid girl. She almost always feels the need to move and she cannot seem to calm herself down. This has always been so ever since she was young and she had expectations to live up to. This unsettling trait means that her words are faster during conversations and she trusts time more than anything. [i]Time is money.[/i] That famous line was inputted into her at the age of 11. She never wastes time and she has a habit to overthink things in her daily life. She has always been a good girl in her parents eyes. Livrelle listens to her parents and she [i]never[/i] had a rebellious stage in their eyes. Never. However, that is far from the truth. Livrelle is easy to get violent when someone is pissing her off and she will lash out at violent idiots on the streets if she feels like it. Livrelle never got a good idea on what was acceptable when she was angry. Being a daughter from a rich family, she wasn’t used to getting in trouble for any of her actions. Especially when she didn’t do it in front of her parents. Her violent outbursts were kept on the downlow and she only ever hurt strangers. The gangs out on the street or the normal bullies that she wouldn’t feel guilty hurting. Of course, deep down she knew it was wrong but honestly she just didn’t care enough to stop. Her patience is nearly nonexistent. Livrelle hates to have to wait for someone and tardiness is unacceptable. Slowing down isn’t something that she’s very good at but at home she can. Compromise she can only handle if it makes sense. Someone making a mistake in the workplace and resulting in a [i]compromise[/i] will piss her off to a high level. Her anger, over the years, has become manageable but that just means like unlike how she was when she was younger, she doesn’t use violence as much. Livrelle is a serious girl. Be stupid and say something sarcastic to her and almost 100 percent of the time she’ll respond that it either didn’t make sense or that she means what she says. She used to try and make jokes but gave up after a short time of people not understanding her dull humor. And that’s how a lot of people will see her. Dull. Not that she really is. Livrelle has always been anti social. Who wants to be friends with a girl that valued her studies over having fun any day and never really smiled in class? She has never been really confident in her own abilities. No matter how good her grades were and how much the suck ups around her parents praised her. Nothing was ever enough. Nothing ever is enough for her. If her goal is to go to an IVY league college and she actually gets in, she’d be thinking about the other school that had a lower acceptance rate and wondering if she wouldn’t have been able to get into that school. Livrelle is a natural worrywart but a lot of the times, that just makes her better at her job and a better friend. She won’t leave a friend alone if they’re crying. She has always been a pretty good listener and somehow she was good at cheering her friends up. With that sense of humor that she doesn’t really have. She’s quite the ballsy gal. Livrelle was a dare devil when she was younger mostly because she didn’t find a lot of things to be a big deal. However, she never did stealing. Most rich kids did but it never went through her head to do so because she already had everything that she needed. Livrelle longs for interesting things to happen around her. As a girl that grew up safe and sound in a mansion, she doesn't [i]actually[/i] know about bad people. She still has that mind set that everyone has something good about them and she just doesn't want anything to taint that. A delusional girl, she denies a lot of things that happens and would much rather forget something than regret it. In the end, Livrelle is only 25 and is still fairly innocent. She's sweet once you get to know her but it doesn't show too much during first impressions. Unless you're a patient.[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b][/color] [INDENT]As a straight A student growing up, Livrelle [i]loved[/i] to read. She would read books about anything but mostly about new discoveries in the medical world. Her parents never knew but she loved art as well. Specifically painting. She would paint out her feelings on that day or paint what she had seen. Over the years, she hasn’t painted as much as she’d like to but she is starting to get back into it. Something that interests her is medecine. She had a short amount of time where she was a doctor and that taught her a bit.[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Skills/Talents:[/b][/color] [INDENT]She knows how to speak 4 languages in total. English, Japanese, Spanish, and French. This is because of the fact that she can remember things extremely quickly. Brazilian jiu-jitsu is something that she began to get taught at age 10. Over the years, she received a red belt at the age of 19. Livrella is a beast when it comes to this martial art form. What is the most important skill to her is her surgical skills. As mentioned before, she is extremely young for an orthopedic surgeon. However, even if she has her power to help her, it doesn’t change the fact that she is extremely good at what she does. Livrelle couldn’t get to where she was without hard work and a natural knack for what she does as a living.[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Goals/Motivation[/b][/color] [INDENT]Survive, make money, help out, and save some people.[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]History/Bio:[/b][/color] [INDENT]She was born and raised in London, England. Her parents, Catriona and Benison Alendier are an extremely wealthy business couple. Their wealth comes from her mother’s family and their fortune received from the international trading company that they had owned. With that, she married her husband at the age of 19 and it was a arranged marriage. What an old marital union isn’t it? However, they didn’t mind. Rather than loving each other after they had gotten married, they found that they made good business partners and a few years after the marriage came Livrelle. She was not an accident at all. Her parents had been preparing for her before they even got the results telling her mother that she was pregnant. Livrelle never really liked the way she could complain but she could never really complain either. The expectations for her were extremely high and her parents spoiled her to no end. They might as well have told her that she was either to become a successful lawyer or a doctor when she was just a baby because that was all they saw in her. However, becoming a doctor soon sparked an interest in her. But not a doctor. A surgeon. Livrelle’s mind worked fast ever since she was young so she obtained new knowledge very fast. At the age of 14 years old she already had a degree and a part time job. During her childhood, she never really had any fun at all. The most fun she had was going to dinner parties with her parents and that was only fun because of how delusional she was into believing that it was. She was a classic nerd at school but she never got made fun of because her parents had [i]a lot[/i] of influence around her home town. That was also the reason that people tended to avoid her whether it was for their own good of their parents wishes. Livrelle was used as a child though. If kids got close enough to her, she’d end up giving them things and that would be her so called friendship. At the age of 18, she was already receiving her Doctorate degree at a college. Livrelle soon became a full on orthopedic surgeon afterwards. Probably the youngest orthopedic surgeon that a lot of people have met but with money and skill comes opportunities to do the impossible. She had already moved away from her home country at 24 due to the fact that she was tired of being held down by her parents. She wanted to get rid of all of the stress that was around her. Her surgeon job in her home country already had clients practically picked out for her when she first started. They were all famous or just straight up rich. Even if they needed help, it was like the others that weren’t as well off didn’t have the opportunity to get helped by her. And that was the reason that she moved. When she moved, she already had a lot of money. However, she didn’t want to go back onto that path of only helping the privileged. So she got an apartment that wasn’t too bad and decided to work there. Livrelle has her own surgical room that can be used inside of her apartment and she often does work for free if they don’t have enough money. Full time, she works at SnowHill Hospital on the weekdays. Saturdays and Sundays she works on call rather than in the hospital. But Monday through Sunday, if you just need help and catch her near her home, she'll be there for you.[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [color=#8B5F65][b]Family:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Catriona Alendier- Mother (Alive) Benison Alendier- Father (Alive) [/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Dynamics:[/b][/color] (Relations with other characters - You don't have to put relation with family here.) [indent][h3]| [b]Name Here[/b] |[/h3] | [b]{Impression (Good/Bad/Neutral}[/b] | [b]{Relationship (Friend, Rival, Crush, etc)}[/b] | [i]"Quote Here."[/i] | [indent] [Description of Relationship] [/indent] [/indent] [color=#8B5F65][h3][b][u]Abilities[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [color=#8B5F65][b]Power Class:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Extra-Sensory[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Power:[/b][/color] [INDENT]This ability is truly a unique one. The ability to see something that could have been or was before and match it up to that. Her power mostly helps during her surgery on children with musculoskeletal deformities. Not that it doesn't help with her other operations such as dislocations, fractures, strains, bone tumors, arthritis, etc. She has the ability to see into another timeline where they have a more normal appearance than the one that they were born with. With that, she can repair it into how it would have or was. Rather than trying to fix something, she tries to match how the musculoskeletal system appears in the other system. [/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Limits:[/b][/color] [INDENT]The alternate timelines do not prove useful in situations where the body systems is not involved. This isn't something where during the day she can just see how something could have been if someone didn't fall or get hit by a car. This power is practically useless if it is not inside of the operation and during the surgery.[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b][/color] [INDENT]The limit of this power is that she it runs out of time after a while. If she isn't fast with the operations, she runs the risk of making the child worse than it originally was. And when time runs out, [i]that's it.[/i] The patient even runs the risk of dying due to the fact that did it without completing it and it was never supposed to be in that timeline in the first place. This has only happened 2 times in her life and she still regrets it to this day. However, now she is more skilled than she was in the past and she has much more experience. Seeing into another timeline isn't necessarily always a good thing. She can see some things that she would never have wanted to see that can have nothing to do with her. And this power does give her a slight headache if she loves into the alternate universe for far too long.[/INDENT] [color=#8B5F65][b][u]Other:[/u][/b][/color] [INDENT][list][*][sub]Already noted but going to go ahead and put it down here too:[/sub] Works at SnowHill Hospital (Located in Oakdell Harbor) as an Orthopedic surgeon and also has her own (unlicensed hospital inside of her apartment which she does operations on people that cannot afford to pay. [*]Born with a severe case of congenital analgesia. Inability to feel physical pain.[/list][/INDENT] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y7jyTTu6BA[/youtube] [/hider]