Allura swore softly under her breath as the demon hunter relayed the message to her, a slight frown coming to her face. It was hard to believe that they would forgive her for ignoring her Boss' orders and delaying Akira's execution, especially since they went back on their word and pushed the deadline from one week to two days. The angel was engrossed in her thoughts until the hunter announced that they were coming down. Not really liking the fact that she and Akira were practically trapped from the front and back, she readied herself just in case they decided to try something. As they finally came into view, they reassured the pair that they were weaponless though that didn't calm the angel's nerves very much. Everything seemed to be going relatively smoothly until Lance used blood magic to make Akira sleep. As soon as the demon collapsed against the wall, Allura jabbed her staff towards the hunter but missed as he took a step back. She wasn't as surprised to see something like this since Hades had done the same thing earlier, though the angel was unsure about how they would wake him up again. After all, it had taken a ton of effort to wake him up the first time. Allura was thrown out of her thoughts as Lance offered her some salve, saying: [color=00a651]"For the wound, trust me if that was dealt by one of those two you'll start to feel the corruption from the metal that caused it if you don't treat it soon."[/color] She eyed the salve suspiciously for a moment before accepting it from him, mumbling a soft 'thank you' as she did so. As she applied the salve, she grunted softly in approval; it felt cool on her neck and the stinging feeling that she felt before was gradually fading away. "So, what's the other side of the story then?" She inquired, glancing momentarily at the sleeping demon a few feet away. Just how were the two sides different from each other? How much did she really not know?