[i]“Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.”[/i] -William Shakespeare [b]General Characteristics[/b] Name: Eulalie Dhami [img]http://oi63.tinypic.com/20qhro5.jpg[/img] Theme Song: TBA [b]Personal Characteristics[/b] Birth Date: Unknown Age: Unknown Birth Place: France Desires: She wants to prove her worth to Kaine Secrets: She is in love with Kaine [b]Mental Characteristics[/b] Known Languages: All major languages spoken in Europe Temperament: Melancholic [b]Philosophical Characteristics[/b] Morality: The only color she sees is gray Perception: Pouring water into a cracked, empty glass [b]Spiritual Characteristics[/b] Religion: Athiest Virtues: Patience and self-control Vices: Lust and Envy [b]Supernatural Characteristics[/b] Ability: She can seduce any mortal and cast enchantments [b]Apparel[/b] Wardrobe: Revealing dresses and other immodest clothing [b]Social Characteristics[/b] Emotional Stability: Outwardly calm, but inwardly chaotic Humor: Dark Reputation: Feared [b]Interpersonal Relationships[/b] Friends: One-sidedly friends with Kaine Rivals: All other females [b]Physical Characteristics[/b] Height: 5’7” Weight: 123 lbs Nationality/Species: Succubus Skin: Asiatic tones Hair Color: Black Hair Length: Mid-back Eye Color: Black [b]Health and Fitness[/b] Addictions: None Handicaps: Eagerness to prove herself [b]Sexual Characteristics[/b] Gender: Female Orientation: Heterosexual Significant Other: None