[quote=@Carlsberg] [@Fionraella] Selena was smiling a little, an odd sight as she made her way through the camp. She had everything planned for her and Selena's date, a few movie tickets in her pocket, a table reservation at a small restaurant down the street, and hope in her heart. This could be the night that all her dreams come true. She made her way over to Sacha's tent, so happy she didn't even notice Jett walking out. She walked in. "Hey, I've organised everything for our da-" She started to say, stopping when she saw the crying girl, rushing over, "Oh my god, are you ok?" [/quote] Sacha scowls, a bit upset that she had been walked in on. "Yeah. I'm fine." She sits up and rubs the back of her hand across her eyes. "Just not having a very good day I suppose." She chuckles dryly. She looks at Selena and then groans. "Shit...our date's tonight isn't it..." She curses again and gets to her feet, exhaling. "I'm sorry Selena. Just...give me half an hour to get ready." She runs a hand through her hair, clearly anxious. "I'll need to put on nicer clothes, see Aya about my hand, figure out what the hell to do about that boy." She hisses that last word.