[hr][hr] [center][h1]The [color=lightgreen]Smith[/color] [color=cyan]Sisters[/color][/h1] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/f0fcd4da7b5d56dfbfc645ab03491537/tumblr_mxkdi5zkDl1qc4ffvo2_500.gif[/img][img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/2d4f6a04448bc76ac95075fb4a6de8ee/tumblr_mjqwtdRKv71r4td3po1_r1_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: Infirmary, Newnan, Georgia Interacting With: Kris talking to an unconscious older sister & Froggy[@Charnobylisk][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Kristina bit her lower lip and nodded slowly as she just sat there just as Victor had gotten up and started to go around the infirmary and around the courthouse. She gently ran a hand through Maria's hair slowly she started seeing her sister getting paler as Victor continued to gather his blood samples from the others. Maria's breathing started getting heavier as Kristina noticed it she could see her sister's bandages started getting soaked in blood. Kristina started to panic she wasn't able to do anything to help her sister seeing her sister's condition worsening she quickly went over to her sister's right side and held her hand to the bleeding stump to try and slow the bleeding. [color=cyan]"Please you can't go Maria!"[/color] Kris said applying some more pressure. Then Victor came back into the room as he started doing some testing on the blood samples that he had been gathering, he went to doing some of the tests. [color=cyan]"Doc shes getting worse!"[/color] Kristina yelled, as he kept saying Merci over and over again before yelling louder to try and get the French man's attention to her sister's condition. [color=cyan]"DOC help please!"[/color] Kristina yelled again to try and get his attention once more. Kristina's mind was racing she didn't want to see her sister die in front of her, hearing Lorna dying just a few minutes ago was hard enough and being reunited with Maria again only to lose her again she didn't want that to happen. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=6ecff6]Sophia Harris[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzpk1iwTuV1r7i94k.gif[/img] [i]location: Westside Baptist Church, Smokey Road Interacting With: [@Caits] Niesha Burkstien, [@Lady Amalthea] Astrid Hansen, [@Sigil] Bridgette Vinters & [@Charnobylisk] Agnes Brynja Johannsson [/i][/center] [hr][hr] Sophia sat in the back of the moving horse cart for a good few seconds she looked over her shoulder at Astrid as she told Niesha about her horse Edgar and where she had come from before shit hit the fan. As the fire started to get worse, Sophia noticed about twelve Walkers starting to approach them. Sophia reached for her machete just as Astrid had gotten up to take care of them, she was getting up out of the cart without even realizing that two Walkers had approached her from the left. Sophia cried out in pain as she suddenly felt teeth sinking down into her left hand she quickly turned around when Astrid quickly caught up to her and quickly dispatched the walker. Sophia sat back hissing in pain as she looked down at her left hand holding it seeing blood coming out of the wound. [color=6ecff6]"God fucking damn it!"[/color] Sophia yelled as she started to panic the thought of losing her hand made her nervous. Then the second armored chick came up to them asking if any of them were bit. [color=6ecff6]"Well theres the answer to your question."[/color] Sophia said as she quickly reached for her belt as Niesha rushed over she started doing her best to tie it as tight as she could. As Astrid quickly drew out her axe, Sophia quickly took the stick and looked towards the girl she saved just the day before. [color=6ecff6]"It's not your fault, I guess it makes us even I saved you and your saving me."[/color] Sophia said with a slight laugh. Sophia laid down on her back as she held onto Niesha's hand tightly putting the stick into her mouth and quickly bit down on it, looking up towards Niesha as Sophia held out her left hand and held Niesha's as tightly as she could doing exactly as Niesha instructed her to do.