HUP, HERE WE GO. It... Took me less time to draw that picture than it did to figure out her character, but I got it done at least. [hider=Nina Aiza][center][img][/img][/center] [b][NAME][/b] [indent]Nina Aiza[/indent] [b][GENDER][/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b][AGE][/b] [indent]15[/indent] [b][APPEARANCE][/b] [indent]Nina stands at 5’6’’ with a fit build and noticeable muscles in her arms. She keeps her mid-length hair tied back whenever she can. She typically doesn’t wear her jacket, and keeps it tied around her waist. Her normal attire consists of sleeveless shirts (since sleeves can get in the way of her Quirk), basketball shorts, and sneakers.[/indent] [b][PERSONALITY][/b] [indent]Nina, at first glance, appears to be a quiet and disinterested person that usually only pipes up to wisecrack at people. She actually just tends to keep to herself unless she’s with people she considers friends. She’s still seems a little disinterested when it comes to her friends, but she becomes much friendlier and a bit more aggressive. When she’s with her friends, Nina is the aggressive kind of friend that expresses affection in the form of tight bear hugs and handshakes, harder than necessary high fives, and arm punches. She also has a tendency to try and push her friends into doing what she would prefer to do, but she’s aware of it and exercises restraint in that regard. She’s honestly a good person at heart, so she’d rather have fun than cause arguments. That being said, getting into an argument with her is the last thing you’d want to do. Getting her riled up is a sure-fire way to see fists flying, and it’s not too hard to make her tip over the boiling point. She can forgive things like people bumping into her or stepping on the back of her shoes; so long as it’s all an [i]accident[/i] she doesn’t mind. The two things that make Nina the most annoyed are when people intentionally screw with her, or keep push a joke past its funny point. Depending on her mood, her reactions can range from passive-aggressive threats, to full-on threats, to “not even bothering with threats and punching straight to the point.” But again, at the end of the day she’s honestly a good person at heart. She’d rather cause more resolution than conflict, and tries to not hold grudges over anything. If anyone’s uncomfortable with her she’ll back off in a flash. If anyone [i]else[/i] is making someone comfortable, however, she’s loaded with enough reckless courage to back right in and get them to shove off.[/indent] [b][BACKSTORY][/b] [indent]Nina grew up in an apartment complex with her father, a former boxer and current radio personality; her mother, the Hero “Dune Arms”; and a great number of neighbors that were effectively her second family. Her parents were frequently out from her life thanks to their jobs, so that’s how she came to embrace her neighbors as family. Her aggressive tendencies and desire to sway things her way comes from all of the neighbor’s kids she’d play with. Her desire to be more of a conflict resolver than a source of conflict stems from an incident when she was 8. At the time, she and her closest friend were having a long series of arguments over what to play and ultimately decided to settle it by arm wrestling. She couldn’t win in a contest of pure strength, however, and resorted to using her Quirk to give herself an edge, or at the very least force him to tap. The end result of squeezing a kid’s hand and locking it in place with a literal rock grip permanently injured it. Nina doesn’t look back on that memory fondly. Her drive to heroics and her restraint from having things her way also stem from this incident. She never wants to see things escalate that far due to a selfish whim again, and the subsequent lecture she received from her parents strengthened this point of view. It taught her about Quirk responsibility, and how one wrong move could land someone in the hospital or worse. To keep anyone from misusing their Quirk or worse, she made it her career goal to become a Hero. In the present day, her parents are still working the same jobs as before. Whenever her father could, he’d take her to the gym to learn boxing so she had a means to defend herself as a Hero. Her mother fully supports her career choice and even intends to take her on as a sidekick following graduation. As for her friend he’s… Doing better. His hand never healed correctly, but they’ve since buried the hatchet and moved on from the incident.[/indent] [b][QUIRK][/b] [indent][b]Sand Stone[/b] - Nina’s quirk is a combination of her mother’s ability to turn her arms into sand, and her father’s ability to turn his arms into granite. The resulting combination lets her turn her right arm into granite and her left arm into sand. Her Quirk starts from her shoulders and can be activated along any part of her arm. Her sand arm is as consistent as you’d expect sand to be, but she’s in full control of the various shapes it can take. Her sand arm can also extend exactly two arm lengths further from her body. By contrast, her granite arm freezes its position when its active, effectively making her arm into a statue.[/indent] [b][SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES][/b] [indent][b]Sand Whip[/b] - Nina’s most common application of her sand arm is to just turn into a flexible whip. Good for actual whipping, or for mobility purposes. [b]Sand Bind[/b] - The second most common application of her sand arm is to use it to wrap around people. It’s not a very long range skill, but she thinks it’s good enough as is. [b]Granite Punch[/b] - It’s just any kind of punch with her arm turned to granite, but she likes to believe it sounds stronger if she puts a name to it. [b]Basic Boxing[/b] - Nina understands basic boxing form and has more than a few tricks up her sleeve. Her style is more like a slugger.[/indent] [b][LIMITS][/b] [indent] [b]Un-interchangeable[/b] - Nina’s arms are locked into what they can turn into. There’s no half and half granite and sand on one arm, it’s [b]only[/b] her right arm that turns granite, and it’s [b]only[/b] her left arm that turns into sand. [b]Literally Broken Limbs[/b] - Nina’s arms are capable of being broken, shattered, split off and so on. The damage reflects back on her real arms, so if for example her granite arm was completely broken off… Bye bye arm. She can grow it back by ingesting sand/granite that matches her arm’s original weight, but that’s as comfortable to do as it sounds. [/indent][/hider]