[center][hider=Ethan Grayson] [img]http://safebooru.org//samples/1692/sample_bc090c873537c7bc4fa2c0c5caaecfc9dcafc784.jpg?1771770[/img] [b][color=7ea7d8][h3]Ethan Grayson | 15 | Male[/h3][/color][/b] [color=7ea7d8][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u][/color] Ethan’s powers manifested relatively early, but in every other regard, he’s a late bloomer. Standing at the unimpressive height of 159 cm (about 5’2”), he towers over… just about no one over the age of eight. Yeah, this kid hit puberty late, and so far it hasn’t been going well for him. He's scrawny, he's blond, and if it wasn't for his Malfunction, he could probably be beaten up by an angry child. Honestly, Ethan wouldn’t be a bad looking kid, if he’d stop scowling so much. As it is, though, he has a pinched face that snaps well enough to rival a tiny, angry mongrel. He looks like a brat. It’s unfortunate, but true. [hr] [u][b][color=7ea7d8]Powers:[/color][/b][/u] (1) [b]SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH [/b](Personal Physical Power): Inhuman strength? Ethan’s got it covered. He can lift just about anything up to a mid-sized car with relative ease. Anything heavier than that, and, well… he might be able to do it if he strains really hard. Scientifically, Ethan’s super strength is derived from a series of mutations that allow certain muscles to use up enormous amounts of ATP in explosive bursts. His talents include throwing extremely heavy objects at people, and also the classic super-strength punch. [b][u][color=7ea7d8]Weaknesses/Limitations:[/color][/u][/b] Here’s the problem — Ethan got the super strength, without the super durability bonus package. Bonus strength just means that you can hurt yourself that much worse. (1) [b]RECOIL:[/b] Remember those super punches that we were talking about? Well, when you slam a fragile human fist into an object with extreme force… bad things happen. Every time he throws one of those super strong punches, Ethan is extremely likely to break every bone in his arm. This means that he can only manage two punches, maximum… because, y’know. Two arms. (2) [b]MUSCLE DAMAGE:[/b] Human muscles with superhuman capabilities are still just human muscles, at the end of the day. Lifting things beyond the capabilities of a regular human puts intense strain on Ethan’s muscles, causing intense soreness at best, and permanent damage at worst. Too much of this could make his arms completely unusable. (3) [b]EXHAUSTION:[/b] Humans using superhuman strength are prone to extreme fatigue. The use of his super strength uses enormous amounts of energy, so even just a little bit of lifting will tire Ethan out. Continuous use of his powers will drive Ethan to exhaustion. If it gets bad enough, he’ll just straight up pass out. [hr] [u][b][color=7ea7d8]Personality:[/color][/b][/u] This kid is all bark and no bite. Ethan Graystone is loud, and he’s obnoxious: he can bluster with the best of them, and he never hesitates before cussing someone out. He has a hair-trigger temper. This is the king of brats, the one true Asshole in Training. Is he willing to back up his words with action, though? Certainly not. The truth is, Ethan’s not the noble, self-sacrificing type. He’s a coward at heart: he doesn’t like conflict, he doesn’t like pain, and he most certainly doesn’t want to die. Test day was the worst day of his short life, and he’s been wound up tighter than a spring ever since. Self-preservation is his number one priority, and he’d do anything to make sure that he’ll live to see the next day. [u][b][color=7ea7d8]Backstory:[/color][/b][/u] Being the youngest is hard. Being the youngest of [i]seven[/i] is harder. And, well… being a youngest son with exactly six older sisters? Well, that’s hell on earth. So you can imagine that childhood for Ethan Graystone, seventh child and only son of two professional pastry chefs in District 8, was… challenging. When his sisters got tired of dressing up their dolls? Well, they reached for their younger brother, and six girls pinning you down makes it very, very hard to fight back. He learned to snap at people, to scream and to holler and to generally be so obnoxious that people left him alone. And that was what he wanted, in the end. Deep down, Ethan Graystone just kind of wanted to be... alone. So his childhood was a bit of a disaster. And school wasn't fun either -- kids are cruel, and a short boy with a bad temper isn't exactly the best friend material. But testing positive on his first Test day? Well… that was just the icing on the cake. [hr] [u][b][color=7ea7d8]Talents/Skills:[/color][/b][/u] (1) [b]ANNOYING BRATTY… BRATTINESS:[/b] Is this really a talent? Well… sometimes. Just being in a room with this kid makes you want to punch the hell out of him. (2) [b]SELF-PRESERVATION:[/b] Ethan has a knack for figuring out situations that he should stay out of. Sometimes it’s better to just… shut up. [u][b][color=7ea7d8]Quirks/Habits/Other:[/color][/b][/u] (1) Ethan actually likes to play the piano. Like… a lot. If he hadn’t tested positive, he probably would have pursued a career in the music industry. (2) Girls? C-c-cooties!! [u][b][color=7ea7d8]TL/DR:[/color][/b][/u] Picture a bratty younger brother with a Napoleon complex, and… well, that’s Ethan. The “Two-Punch Chump” — has super strength, but he’s more likely to break himself than anything else. [/hider][/center]