[centre][img]http://i946.photobucket.com/albums/ad306/Royzooka/Christie%20Rachel%20Marks%20Alt_zpsasndeymh.png[/img][/centre] [centre][img]http://i946.photobucket.com/albums/ad306/Royzooka/b599dbe5c79db572b9b26811bd03acc01_zpse7ftztso.jpg[/img][/centre] [centre][b]Location:[/b] Basement Training Facility [b]Interacting:[/b][@smarty0114] Will, [@Ace of flames01] Sophie, [@unfallenangel] Grace, and [@LokiLeo789] Lucian[/centre] [hr] Will's comment did not even hurt her in any way if a comment about her costume came up she would have been. Strangely though people seemed to overlook it though now Christie had to repair it slightly due to showing off her healing factor. On top of that, she heard much worse outside of this building. The newbie soon gave a quick reply before Will went off to introduce himself. [color=aba000]"I did not choose these codenames, they are just stuck with me. Lady Vibranium and Hairdusa have origins behind them though nothing special. Hairdusa was used to mock me and be hurtful but I have heard worse. The other code name is a mystery to me. I had dog tags which had the code name Lady Vibranium on them."[/color] To this day she had never thought about a code name, Lady Vibranium had a cool ring to it and the other one just stuck to her like glue. She did not think of anything bad of Will, she saw it as a strange playful type of quip which was not witty in any way. The mutant soon showed off his powers, it seemed each person here had their own unique powers. The mutant who was known as Sophie soon came on over. What she heard was new to Christie, hardly anyone ever stuck up for her and it seemed people out there were willing to do so. Sophie and Will were going to enter into a verbal fight as far as Christie, hell the whole room was concerned. The fact she set Will on fire was somewhat surprising though she did not show any sign of surprise or ill will about it. It sounded like Sophie liked Christies codename and powers, however, the newbie would still trade them in for anyone else's powers. [color=aba000]"Thank you, at least someone likes these Meg Griffin powers. I really like your powers, I can't wait to see you grow as an X-Man"[/color] she said in a positive and friendly tone. She liked Sophie already and hoped they would be friends very soon. Next up was Grace who was also very nice to Christie. It seemed not just one person liked her powers but two did. A smile crossed the newbies face, the Meg Griffin powered like mutant could see Grace blushing a bit. When she mentioned idols Christie lit up like a Christmass tree. It seemed even Lucian came in to say something nice even though his comment was not directed at her though she was part of the subject. Lucian soon brought up the codename thing could use a little work, though. [color=aba000]"Well Lucian it is just a code name, if you want you can call me by my mysterious code name Lady Vibranium then please do. Or yet you can give me a nickname if that makes you happy. Someone I knew called me fluff one time though she was only five years old. As I said to Will these names were either given to me my someone else or became stuck to me like glue. Medusa was cool anyway so I don't even feel bad I was named partly after her."[/color] Christie soon spoke to Grace. [color=aba000]"Oh, Wolverine he is very cool. I met him once you know, the first word I heard that left his lips were bub. I don't know what that means, though? Anyway I love your wings, they are beautiful and they looked soft. Maybe one day I could feel them, Miss Angel.... I mean Grace."[/color] Christie grew a little red herself, the room was full of attractive people which made her want to flirt with them, however, she had to restrain herself a little longer. Her sexuality was a mystery and at that felt finding out would tie her down. So far she had been attracted to all identities so far. [color=aba000]"To be honest Grace, Lucian I tend to doubt my gifts but maybe that will change while I am here,"[/color] she said quickly. While Christie was talking to Grace another mutant turned up, she did not see what she looked like or what she was doing, though. It was only when she heard the word stay back was when Christie turned to look. Though her sight was away from Grace her ears and half of her focus was still on the friendly mutant. The mutant introduced themselves like they all did before her, Astrid was her name and AC was her codename which was cleverly done. Her powers looked very cool when she showed them off and she even ended it with a pun. With that done Christie looked over to Grace and Lucian, they now had 99% of Christie's focus. It seemed Will and Sophie were still exchanging comments even when they went to different sides of the room. Charlotte soon stepped in it seemed, she told those who were bickering to stop fighting. Christie was a little weary of Charlotte, she had no ill will towards her, though, but those who could read minds would sometimes read minds by accident. Jean Grey and Professor X were the only ones she willing let in her head, she did one time have another try to peek inside her head but that ended badly when Christie went into a blind rage for unknown reasons. No one died but people got hurt and the environment was damaged and destroyed in the process. Jean Grey and Wolverine came to her aid that day, that was the second time they met each other. Trying to read Christie's mind meant you had to go down several levels of her subconsciousness which would lead to her lost memories of the Weapon X type programme. That in turn, would cause Christie to go into a blind rage, one that was basically Wolverine and X-23 rolled into one. The programme had left her mentally unstable even though she had no recurring nightmares and was easy mess with when it came to mental attacks.