The instructor grunted and looked at his watch for a few seconds. His mouth mimicked counting down slowly. Five, four, three, two, one . . . A loud whistle blew through the air, and students halted in their tracks. The twins confronting Pablo and Luis froze as they suddenly launched themselves at them, and skittered back several times in fear, before freezing as the whistle sounded. Sighing in relief, the two smiled at each other and high-fived. "Sorry, big brothers, but it looks like today isn't your lucky day," one twin said cheekily. The instructor stepped up, and called the students together into five lines. He then further divided them, with one line looking a lot less spirited than others. "Okay, so the teams that got tagged. There'll be a penalty for-" He paused, abruptly turning his head. A man dressed in military garb approached him. "Wait, take five you guys," he said, waving off the class. The two spoke in hushed voices, and the instructor grimaced. With a nod of understanding, the instructor gave a sharp salute, and returned to the class. "Well, guys, looks like classes are going to be cancelled earlier than announced. Effective immediately, all classes are dismissed from today up until tomorrow. Also, students are advised to wait in the school for their guardians to pick them up, if no such guardian is available, you are to take a school bus which will bring straight you home. Do not under any cirumstance continue to loiter outside of the school. Class dismissed, and be safe on the way back." What he wasn't telling the class; a senator living close by had just been killed. His home was missing a few important documents, specifically, documents relating to a bill regarding A-rank Arms Masters in the Philippines. This, compounded with the recent terrorist bombing, had raised the alert level exponentially. The murdered senator was not an easy person to get to, especially when he had other Arms Masters under his employ. "We'll continue with the exercise next week," he said. The class collectively smiled. A scant few would probably follow his advice, seeing it as dull or boring. The issue of the terrorist bombing would practically be a none issue for them -- at most, this was simply them being allotted a day free of classes.[hr] After class was dismissed, a more than a few students were dismayed to find that they were not allowed to be let out of the school unless they were being fetched. Others chose to wait for there drivers, while others spent some time playing basketball in the courtyard, and in general just loitering about, where they could. The lights inside of Stadium Three was open, and it so were the schools gyms. [@Keksalot]-[@SunsetRoses]-[@KindledBeast]-[@Letter Bee]-[@Altasaire]-[@Eklispe]-[@M127]-[@Eklispe]