[@ProPro]Incorrect, I was [b]the[/b] hardest person to get to post, the other doesn't count because him posting was impossible. That said, I [b]DID[/b] because I still wanted to play because I like this game. I even stated that you didn't need to wait for me because I didn't want the game to get slowed down and I knew I was having a hard time posting [b]anything[/b]. That's changed, and the post is up. If you wanna quit because it's hard or you lost interest than you should Pro, this was a fun game but the world won't end if we leave it behind and the game won't mean anything to me if you're just going through the motions. If the game ends, then it ends. Life is what it is. But I want us to stop because we don't wanna play anymore. I want this game to not be worth it anymore, not some thing that just falls away as we wonder what might of been. The glorious stories we can share as a group of dreamers could become a fantastic tapestry of majestic word play the likes of which none have seen before! Should this game fall, let it not be because of human apathy! Let it not be "just because"! Let it be because we have truly felt in our warrior's spirit that this be the end, [b]our[/b] end and let the world know of our valiant fall from grace! So sir Pro, if thou art so pure, so inspired by thine dreams of commodore in the face of adversity than do not go softly into that sweet night. Nay, fight on, fight on till the last breath as your stead breaks through the southern gates and sails on eastern winds to [b]victory[/b]! So yeah, if we're not playing anymore, that's fine. I just don't wanna "let it die" rather, I'd like it to officially end ya know, nothing to wonder about. I guess I mean, let's call it if we're done ya know.