[@NuttsnBolts] well I'm like 98% straight, I'm really really into girls, but I also have a weakness for: [hider=This] [img]http://static.tumblr.com/2fd49dc7598fd5976a818c5705cd007d/3e9wxdh/J79mmmsh0/tumblr_static_fujisakifull.png[/img] AND [img]https://farm2.static.flickr.com/1464/24803064703_3375b47df2.jpg[/img] [/hider] But then I'm of the opinion that most 'straight' guys on the RPG 'would'. But then I'm not fighting for qualification, its just something that I think would be nice as I see many LGBT threads on other forums, and they just basically function as a hangout thread.