[center][h2][color=LightBlue]Lucian Asaunte[/color][/h2] [img] http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2enomLrAT1qaseido1_500.gif[/img] Location Xavier's Institute Basement Interacting: Christie [@Royzooka] Grace [@unfallenangel] [/center] [hr] [color=LightBlue]"I'll be honest Christie, your codename is your name. As long as you don't also have the power to turn me into stone with one look we all good. You two already doing it with your looks."[/color] Lucian said smoothly. Lucian enjoyed conversing with new kids, they were like a blank slate, a new start. 'Shape clay into the vessel you want'' his grandma always said, although she had also said he was a demon in human skin, she was a religious type. The oh so memorable feeling of betrayal shot through Lucian for a second, but it feeling so intense it felt as if it lasted ten. It was a feeling that made you desperate for attention, approval, and affection. It made you feel nauseous. It killed your self esteem, your trust, everything. It was like you were on your first roller coaster; everything's too fast to comprehend, and as you are plunged down that steep hill your stomach lurches into your throat, choking you and making a huge tangle of organs and intestines. And when the ride ends things are a bit clearer, but everything is still dizzy and you are a bit numb. Or, worse, all your nerves are alive as ever and your senses are heightened. You want to go back on the ride again, because maybe next time the ride will be easier on you, and it will be as if it never hurt you.  When you get off a roller coaster, it's as if the whole world is spinning around fast but you are standing still. There are strings holding you down and everybody is watching the one person who can't move. You are vulnerable and you have no idea how to snip the strings and move on. Lucian rubbed his cheek out of habit, he was to damn philosophical for his own good. Bad memories always plunged him into the murky depths of his own mind, then he spewed of out all that crap. Upon hearing Christie's doubt about her own power, Lucian felt a connection, although whatever she went through to get that Vibranium, he could not understand, but the feeling of doubt, he understood that. [color=LightBlue]"Christie, it'll change, I'm sure. Doubt is one of the most debilitating things that we have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. Doubting this 'gift' of yours won't help you in the long run. Hey, on the bright side, you have a room full of psychotic, half-witted, fear inducing young adults who are more than willing to stick with you through think and thin. Or at least me and Grace are, I think, maybe."[/color] Lucian affirmed, looking at Grace expectantly on the last part. He wasn't one to put people one the spot, but this was one of those serious then funny bonding moments that only happened when third friend agreed with the philosophical one.