[color=Magenta][center][h1]Miles Bergeron[/h1][/center] [hr][/color] [h2]Olympus District[/h2] [b][i]One night after the explosion[/i][/b] [i]Lesson 3 (and final) of the Essentials of being a Hero on the Rise:--and this is one too many young Vigi’s forget--your secret identity comes first at all* costs. [/i]All*[i] is said with the addendum that you’ve followed the first two rules. If you have, you shouldn’t find yourself in a situation too perilous to trump this rule. Unless you’ve got the luck of Cassandra, the sense of Oedipus and the stupidity of those antagonists in “Home Alone” then you should be fine. ...I hope. That’s pretty much it,[/i] and with this landing thought, Miles Bergerons’ eyes fluttered open in a quick panic. The onlookers were still heading over, he hadn’t been out long. He couldn’t catch his breath and the short, agonizing gasps led him to believe some healing past just time and bed rest was needed. [i]’Mom is gonna have a field day with this…’[/i] he began to think before his attention was taken over by a more pressing thought. [i]’Mr. Ozukai!’[/i] Miles struggled over to the man, he needed to make sure the old man was still with him. Or else his days as a Hero might be changed to the beginning of a Murderer instead. Fate was with him as the man was groaning and beginning to stir. Ozukai reached out to Miles and Miles froze. This was where he began to scream for Miles’ apprehnsion. “Thank...you...you were right,” he managed to say and Miles smiled, beside himself. “See, it was just a cloudy night you were going through,” Miles told him. He forgot his situation for a moment, feeling he’d actually made a difference. “Now go. Go before they get here...” Mr. Ozukai managed before trailing off. His hand weakly pushed against Miles before it went limp and he succumbed to unconsciousness. Miles bit back a rise of watery heat behind his eyes and nodded, taking off into the nearest alley. He felt a presence grow with him as he fled, his fear rising. It was Fitz, or what Fitz could manifest of himself, concerned for Miles. The energy aided Miles, enabling him to move with the slightest bit more ease while a faint glow encased him. It was all the young Hero could manage. The darkness of the alleyway swallowed him and he was unaware of where he was really headed. He just had to get away from the scene. [b]“Way to not draw attention, Miles,”[/b] he chastised himself, wandering further into the Olympus district. He needed to get home, but he had to rest. There was no way he could use Fitz to make it back to his apartment in this state. He neared a more well-lit portion of the district, his eyes straining from the sudden change. Miles stumbled gingerly into the new portion of the Olympus District. At least Mr. Ozukai was safe, and that was a score for him, right?