So far I've got a firebender named Yaze starting with either a Vulpix, Deino, or Houndour, as well as a basic outline of what I want their personality to be like. [@NuttsnBolts] Questions once again. 1. What's the age rating we're shooting for on this, generally speaking? PG-13, PG-15, 18+, etc. etc. 2. What's the general age range that we're looking at for our characters? Is their a maximum or minimum age? 3. Is there going to be some sort of overarching plot/baddie that will gradually make themselves known as the players grow in strength and all of that jazz? I know it's a common trope but one that works well and can add another layer of depth to an RP. 4. Right now I see these adventure hungry children/teens/adults (dunno which yet) parading together or alone around a world that seems on the brink of being thrown into a full on battle royale. My question is, is this leading anywhere? You say that you hadn't given much thought to plot which is alright, I'm open to spitballing ideas. With that being said.... 5. I think a sort of tournament where benders fight side by side with their Pokemon would be fairly cool, and a good juncture in the story for something related to an overarching plot to be revealed. Thoughts? [hider=My Hider] Sorry if those questions seem hard to understand or reply to, my mind is a bit scrambled atm. [/hider]