Karia saw the man that made his way down the quiet boardwalk and looked back at him. He was good looking but not what she necessarily was into, a California type boy was not for the rancher type girl. She grinned as she walked by him and reached her bungalow, stopping to open the door and grab her bag from the inside and slinging it over her shoulder. "I thought you were tired. Where are you going?" The man stood next to her, a guy in his forties with a bit of a gut and bright shorts. He had apparently gotten caught in a strong under tow twenty years ago, leaving a wife and screaming daughter on the beach to watch, and was still around. "I am but I also like a pre-bed snack." Karia made her way from the bungalow, speaking softly so the boy she passed wouldn't think she was talking to him as he likely could see the dead man that now spoke to her. As long as Karia could remember she had always been able to see and speak to ghosts. It was a thing she had never particularly like but she had learned to come to terms with it with a mother who had been unusually understanding. Karia just figured it was hereditary but they had always been to shy to say so. "Oreos?" "Sure thing." She smiled and made her way up the board walk. There was a convienance store just across the street and there were Oreos calling her name.