[img]http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk12/Taunter/Part8.jpg~original[/img] Well a typical second night, though one not filled with philosophy. Choosing to liberate herself from her moorings, Big Red decided to free herself from the bourgeois past to find a liberating future. Maybe this'll allow her to win? We don't know. But Alexander Hamilton has also went Sinophile and spent the night meditating on the Tao. MLK though defends his camp from three white or white-ish persons though. I wonder if he did it with words or a big stick. Oh, Bismarck also blesses Napoleon for reasons. And the French Emperor-General finds religion. [img]http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk12/Taunter/Part9.jpg~original[/img] Well what a way to go! And out of the gate on the third day. I don't know who let them in, but a bunch of Italians seem to have been upset with George Washington and murdered him, but didn't stop there. But oh well, Napoleon built another university in Cairo, confirming Vilage's statement that the true winner of this game will be the Cairo education system. Is this an effect of Napoleon finding religion? Will we find a Napoleon Catholic College in Cairo now? [img]http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk12/Taunter/Part10.jpg~original[/img] RIP