[color=003471][h1]Bryson Anderson[/h1][/color] Interacting with: Whoever is still around to watch demonstrations Location: Xavier's Institute Basement[hr] Bryson, thankful that he wasn't in trouble for being late, breathed a sigh of relief. He watched halfheartedly as each individual displayed their powers. While they were all indeed interesting, he knew that at one point, he would have to demonstrate his own. As if right on time, he was called out by one of the other mutants, Will, codename Paladin. [color=springgreen]"I think we've yet to see a demonstration from the resident nut job. Well, the other resident nut job. Would you care to show off?"[/color] [color=1b1464][i]"Did he just call us a 'nut job'?"[/i][/color] [color=003471]"What do you want to see? Do you want us to burn your pants again? Or do you want us to blow your socks off?"[/color] Bryson turned to the others still standing around, "We haven't come up with a codename yet. We didn't know that we were supposed to." [color=ed1c24][i]"If I may,"[/i][/color] Bryson turned his head up to the ceiling as if Orion were talking above him, [color=ed1c24][i]"We could call ourselves Nebula. When Corvus and I first manifested ourselves inside your mind, we agreed to name ourselves after the two constellations. These names appear to be thematic, and Nebula would fit all criteria."[/i][/color] Bryson returned from his semi-trance, and addressed the group once more. [color=003471]"That's a great idea! We'll call ourselves Nebula."[/color] Bryson paused for a moment, before remembering that he was supposed to demonstrate his abilities. [color=003471]"Oh, yeah, we forgot. Our powers are everyone's pow-"[/color] Bryson was interrupted by Orion and Corvus, who took this as their opportunity to reveal themselves. Only this time, it was different. Instead of a single transparent being falling from him, Bryson's body faded from view as the two took his place. The two shadowy figures stood side by side, their red and purple "skin" contrasting each other. They were nearly exact copies of Bryson, except for the obviously transparentness. [color=ed1c24]"My name is Orion. This is my counterpart, Corvus. You might have seen us around. To put it simply, we have the ability to mimic other abilities. Is there anyone willing to help us demonstrate?"[/color] [color=1b1464]"Ooh! How about fire lady? That looks like fun! We can set Silly Willy's pants on fire again!"[/color] Corvus let out a cackle at the thought of Will's pants bursting into flames again. Orion turned to Sophie, the pyro of the group. [color=ed1c24]"Well, if she wants to assist us, that would be wonderful. How about it?"[/color] Sophie was a little startled when Bryson split into two copies of himself but was quick to accept what was happening and tried to make a mental note of who was who. [color=00aeef]"I have no problem with helping so long that you don't do whatever Lucian did to me, and we don't set anyone's pants on fire; that was a one time thing."[/color] She said to the clones. It was clear that she was nervous about what they had in mind. What Lucian did felt too unnatural and she didn't like it. She approached the clones. [color=00aeef]"So, what do you want me to do?"[/color] Corvus frowned after Sophie turned down his idea of setting Will's pants on fire again. He assumed a position roughly ten feet away from her; the further he was, the less powerful the connection was. [color=ed1c24]"All you have to do, Sophie, is stand there. Corvus and I will do the rest,"[/color] Orion said as he walked into the underground range. He held his hands out, familiarizing himself with the new power. Each one felt slightly different, and it took a while to get used to the new ones. He could feel the presence of fire, almost like it had replaced his blood. Once he had a moment to get used to the new feeling, he activated the power, and set a dummy on fire. It didn't burn nearly as bright as Will's pants had, but the heat was intense enough to melt the plastic. Corvus stepped out of range of Sophie, deactivating the power. [color=1b1464]"I still think we should have set his pants on fire."[/color] Orion returned to the others, and fused back together with Corvus. Bryson reappeared in their place, looking a little winded. [color=003471]"We did it. That's our power."[/color] As soon as it had seemed like Sophie had gotten used to the two copies, they had already fused back together and Bryson now stood in their place. [color=00aeef]"That was awesome! [I]You guys[/I] were awesome, all three of you! Ya know, if you ever decide to copy my powers again, I could give you guys a few pointers on how to use it."[/color] She replied excited with a happy and excited smile. In her spare time, she had read Bryan's file, but to see the real deal was a feeling entirely different than what she would experience when reading about it. [color=ed1c24][i]"Her powers seem extremely powerful, and potentially dangerous. It would indeed be a good idea to learn how to properly use them."[/i][/color] Bryson once again looked up while listening to Orion. To the others around him, he was just staring at nothing. Once Orion finished, Bryson addressed Sophie like nothing had happened. [color=003471]"Thanks! We'll keep that in mind,"[/color] Bryson said. He walked to an empty chair, and sat down, feeling slightly drained from using his powers. Not only did Orion and Corvus have to copy the power, but they had to use it. It was quite a draining process. Sophie gave Bryson one more final nod and smile before returning to her spot against the wall.