[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/wltr4eP.gif[/img] [h2][color=b34a29]Scott Westwood[/color][/h2][/center] Scott wasn't supposed to be here. He wasn't supposed to be here at this beautiful place, with so much grass, one couldn't see the end of it; with a breeze so soft and gentle, it didn't even budge the cowboy hat on his head; with the smells of the outdoors, of warm air, of animals; with the sounds of livestock coming from every direction. If he was caught, he'd be in trouble. He was trespassing on King Ranch. He didn't care if he got caught; he was about to leave, go and start a new life, try and become [i]something[/i]. He had to ground himself before he left, or else he'd embarrass himself by possibly shifting in front of his soon-to-be fellow students. He was out in the pasture, running his hand down at the side of a horse's neck, softly cooing at her. Her name was Daisy, named by a child she deemed to be "a little too loud and overbearing" but by the way Daisy whinnied about her, Scott could tell she did love the little girl. He missed his own horses something terrible, but hadn't found them yet. Scott gave a quiet sigh and in the horse's tongue, neighed, "[color=b34a29]'M more nervous than a whore in church.[/color]" bit of a crass way to put it but it got across how nervous he really was. He had only spent a year out in the "real world" (though he'd argue that being out here, in the middle of nature, was the real world) and his people skills had barely gotten worked on. It was his own fault, for not trying harder with his co-workers, but he didn't want it to be found out that he was a mutant. Mutants weren't taken well more often than not, so it was better that he just kept to himself. Daisy snorted in what was a laugh to Scott's ears. "Be fine, Scott." she softly nickered, shaking her head. Scott hum'd in acknowledgement though he didn't feel like he'd be fine. He was twenty-one years old and could barely hold a conversation. He was about to meet a lot of new people; it was going to be like the start of his first year in the "real world" all over again. Overwhelming, a bit scary, and frustrating. But, he had to make a change, for himself, and this would hopefully be the right one. "Ride here." Daisy snorted, rearing back a little as the Quinjet softly landed near them. Amazing, how the piece of technology could track where its passengers were, and pick them up accordingly. Scott didn't think about though, because he was too busy staring at the Quinjet. His immediate first thought was: [i][color=b34a29]I ain't gettin' on that thang.[/color][/i] but Daisy nudged him in the shoulder as the back began to come down. Scott's heart skipped a beat from nerves and Daisy shoved harder. "Go on!" she whinnied and huffed after. Scott snapped out of his little daze, a mixture of awe and fear, and quickly turned to the Pinto horse. He put a false sense of cheer into his nickering. "[color=b34a29]Sure'nuff that's my ride! Daisy, ya have been a doll, I'll visit ya in the future![/color]" he promised, placing his hand under her chin and making her look up to give the horse a quick kiss right on the nose, his cowboy hat threatening to fall off his head as the brim pushed into her forehead. Daisy jerked back and snorted a laugh, shaking her head as Scott fixed his hat and gave her a wink, before he picked up his old, rugged-looking suitcase and made his way towards the Quinjet. The ramp dropped down all the way, squishing some of the grass beneath it, and Scott made his feet move up it. He could do this. He had made it through last year with being around strangers, with experiencing new things. So he could do thi- he came up short at just the [i]amount[/i] of people in the space he deemed too little for that amount of people. His heart jumped into his throat and he bit down on his tongue when a neigh threatened to escape. Maybe he still had time to turn around and run, tail totally between his legs, because he looked like the oldest one here, and he couldn't avoid conversation in this space, and- the ramp was closing back up. And he had just been standing there, looking around with slightly widened eyes. [i][color=b34a29]So much for a first impression, ya dimwit. Lookin' like ya ain't got the sense God gave a goose.[/color][/i] Fingers, slightly shaking, gripped the handle of his suitcase tighter, and he had to fight off a shudder, a familiar zing going across his body. No, he wasn't going to shift now, he had to prevent shifting now. Okay, find an open seat, that was the first step. He noticed someone with actual wings and his eyes briefly lingered but then he felt another shudder threatening to rip through him, his stomach twisting from nerves and an impending shift. Thankfully, someone distracted him. The kid had brown hair and striking blue eyes. "[color=eb7171]Hey, cowboy, come sit with us![/color]" he shouted with obvious glee, and okay, the distraction wasn't helping his nerves. But to not keep standing there like a fool, he moved forward, his boots gently thumping on the floor of the Quinjet. Next to the blue-eyed kid that was practically vibrating, all bright eyes and big grins, was another kid. He looked a little older than the excitable kid, probably from the scruff on his face that made him look more mature. He had dirty blonde hair, and eyes that were blue, too; Scott quickly looked away as he sat one seat away from the, honestly, attractive blonde-haired-blue-eyed guy. He wasn't without manners, though. Just because he grew up isolated on a ranch and spent only a year with people his age or older, didn't mean he wasn't taught to be kind. He cleared his throat a little, kicking his suitcase under his seat and looking over at the excited kid who was grinning at him in a weird way and the handsome blonde kid. "[color=b34a29]Howdy.[/color]" his voice roughened, deep, from how often he switched between human and animal tongue having affected it; he had, without realizing it, reached up and grabbed the brim of his hat, tilting it in their direction. He almost cringed at how [i]Southern[/i] he sounded and behaved, his cheeks taking on a darker hue as he ducked his head, the brim of his hat hiding the top half of his face. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/BHp5i2v.gif[/img] [h2][color=eb7171]Nick Beaumont-Moore[/color][/h2][/center] Nick had seemed like an excitable puppy before Garret had came onto the Quinjet, but now it was like he came to life, somehow, even more, bigger grins, brighter eyes. He owed a lot to Garret, more than he could ever give back to the other young man. He just [i]adored[/i] Garret like nothing else in this world... expect maybe Cap but that was besides the point. Garret was his best friend, his partner in crime, his sidekick that wasn't really a sidekick. But most of all, Garret was his brother, a presence there that Nick had needed, that not even Cap could have given him. Without Garret, Nick was positive he'd be a completely different person. He didn't even notice how they might come off as anything other than brothers, because he was used to sprawling himself across Garret's lap, or leaning against him when standing, or grabbing his hand to drag him somewhere. They both were quite the tactile creatures and it showed very often. Nick didn't even think of what the others might possibly see them as, or just think about them overall. Even if he had, he wouldn't had cared, because Garret and him had a relationship that went beyond brothers but didn't pass into the territory of lovers. He laughed loudly, probably too loudly, at Garrent's reply in French to him talking about Damon. Poor guy, Nick was never not going to stop paying attention to him, it seemed. Nick was a pretty surprisingly observant guy, even if his thoughts got away from him more often than not. So, he noticed the embarrassed blush slowly encasing Garret's face and had to bite down on his bottom lip hard to not point it out in a teasing fashion. "[color=eb7171]Aw, gaining Cap's manners? How patriotic of you,[/color]" he teased quietly to Garret, so only he heard; which was easy, since he was so close to him without any shits given. His head snapped towards Rain when he heard she could run really fast. Like The Flash. Oh, The Flash! Another hero Nick wanted to meet. What the Hell was up with the abundance of heroes in the world, anwyay? Like, in a few hundred years, was the world just gonna be full with heroes and there would be no crime, just peace and a lot of bored superheroes unsure of what to do with their lives? They could make a superhero Olympics! Now [i]that[/i] sounded fun. Shit, Nick wouldn't be alive in a few hundred years, so he was going to miss out. Unless he was reincarnated. But, then, he wouldn't remember his genius right now and that'd [i]suck[/i]. But, he wouldn't know he couldn't remember his genius right now and so he wouldn't know it'd suck. What took him out of his train of thought, was that kid, Will, recognizing Garret. He blinked a little over at the kid, trying to rack his brain on if he had possibly seen Will around the Tower, and hadn't acknowledged it (couldn't had forgotten, he never forgot, which was a blessing and a curse, but he can, in his own way, forget things by not acknowledging them or having them shoved so far back into his mind, it took a while to recall). He couldn't recall ever seeing Will (he had lived in the Tower for a year, a great year, one of the best years of his life for sure- concentrate) but Will called Tony [i]uncle Stark[/i] so what was Nick missing? Nick didn't like missing things. He [i]never[/i] missed bits of information and now he was definitely a little bothered he was missing something that had happened in the Tower. By the time he was working up to saying something, after shuffling through all those thoughts and getting to the part of his brain that helped him speak, the kid was going on a ramble about spies. Nick glanced at Garret, knowing how he felt about being here. He didn't want to be tied in to anything or anyone at the Tower, because he wanted to prove himself here, that he could do this without powers, and not seem like he had an advantage above everyone else from knowing any Avengers. After the kid claimed top bunk - [i][color=eb7171]damnit, if I get roomed with him, I'm totally stealing it![/color][/i] - he grinned wide. "[color=eb7171] Or [i]Uncle[/i] Tony just really likes this face![/color]" he said, patting Garret's cheek, and then ruffling his hair playfully before turning his attention back to the kid. Seriously, that was his name for Will - the kid. He shall forever be called the kid in Nick's head... and in his words, because Nick didn't care. "[color=eb7171][i]If[/i] Garret was a spy, he'd make an amazing one! Oh![/color]" Nick gasped, breaking away from Garret's hold, hopping off of his lap, and standing up. He changed the subject, which wasn't anything new for him, but it also took the attention off of Garret. "[color=eb7171]I forgot to finish explaining my powers! Okay, so like-[/color]" the ramp began to lower itself, and Nick took notice, since light flooded into the space, and he threw his hands up as another attractive human being came aboard. He was totally going to continue, but then she introduced herself, and how could Nick ignore a pretty lady introducing herself? It'd be so rude if he didn't say something! (Even if it seemed like the young woman was addressing the other two women instead of all the [i]boys[/i] in here). "[color=eb7171]Je suis Nick! Jen, un autre beau visage à ajouter à cette ligne d'beaux visages, comment merveilleux![/color]" he flashed a toothy grin over at her and said, thankfully in English this time, "[color=eb7171]So lovely to meet another lovely person![/color]" he gave a dramatic bow her way, because it was Nick, and Nick was dramatic more often than not. "[color=eb7171]We were discussing our powers! So, like, finally gonna get around to telling mine! I mean, you guys will see it later- focus, Nick, focus! So, these markings on my arms are not tattoos, even though they totally look like it, right?[/color]" he stuck both his arms out, twisting and turning them how far they could go, staring at his own black, swirling markings. "[color=eb7171]I can actually make 'em manifest! Like, to use as whips... like Indiana Jones. Feel free to call me Indy.[/color]" he winked at no one in particular, just the general direction of everyone, because everyone was attractive, and Nick liked attractive things. "[color=eb7171]There's other crap I can do, too, but who wants to [i]hear[/i] the boring details!? When you can just see it later![/color]" again, he gave another dramatic bow, and went to take his seat back on Garret's lap, because he [i]could[/i] when the Quinjet was landing softly again. Fast little fucker, this thing was, and Nick loved her so, so much. He might want to marry her. Oh! But he couldn't, because then he might cheat on her with the helicarrier! Such two beautiful ladies, how could he ever choose? He hadn't even seen the helicarrier yet. He was so excited to die over her. The ramp had finished dropping and Nick stopped settling down onto Garret when he saw a [i]cowboy[/i] walk on board. Nick didn't think he had ever moved so fast before in his life, hopping off of Garret's lap and landing beside him with a thud that sounded slightly painful, and it was, and nudging Garret hard in the ribs with his elbow. "[color=eb7171]It's an actual cowboy, dude!!!![/color]" he whispered excitedly, and loudly, in his ear, grabbing Garret's arm and shaking it before letting it go. Cowboy didn't look too happy, though. More so, he looked like he was ready to bolt when he saw everyone. Aw, poor cowboy was nervous! So, Nick took it upon himself to be the [i]helpful[/i] young man that he was, and shouted out, "[color=eb7171]Hey, cowboy, come sit with us![/color]" Whoa, it worked! Cowboy came over and sat a seat away from Garret, those brown, obviously loved cowboy boots kicking his suitcase under the seat, before he looked over at them. [i]Holy crap.[/i] Nick thought, because this man was all cowboy, and Nick couldn't be more excited for Garret. He didn't only dress like a cowboy, he looked like one, with the tanned skin, sun lines on his face, and the broad shoulders. [i]Nick[/i] might be in-love with him. But not really, he wouldn't do that to Garret, who had a strange thing for old Westerns and Clint Eastwood. Who the Hell knew fate would actually come along? It didn't go unnoticed by Nick, since he had a focus on the cowboy he rarely showed, that the cowboy's eyes lingered on Garret, flickering over his face, and oh-ho, that was interesting. Something Nick wouldn't be shoving to the back of his head. "[color=b34a29]Howdy.[/color]" he spoke. He spoke in the most country way ever, with a voice so deep and rough, it was made gravelly, and Nick's insides melted. He looked around at everyone else in the Quinjet, wondering if they were witnessing this amazing thing unfolding as well. A cowboy! A real cowboy! Like, Nick had known people in the South still had ranches and farms, dressed all out, spoke just like cowboys would, but knowing about it and then seeing it were two different things. Nick had grown up in a city, then moved to another city. He hadn't even stepped foot anywhere near a rural place before. So, okay, Nick was a little dazzled by seeing someone that was so opposite what he knew, that was so different, even spoke different. Sure, there were others like that on here too, but nobody was [i]dressed like a fucking cowboy okay[/i]. Nick was overreacting, but he overreacted about everything. First it had been Damon's wings that had him going, then Garret, and now it was a cowboy. Nick was very rarely bored with how easily his attention was snagged and kept by any and everything. [hider=French translation.]"[color=eb7171]Je suis Nick! Jen, un autre beau visage à ajouter à cette ligne d'beaux visages, comment merveilleux![/color] [indent][i]I am Nick! Jen, another beautiful face to add to this line up of beautiful faces, how wonderful![/i][/indent][/hider]