[hider=Dallas Grenier] [color=6ecff6][b][NAME][/b][/color] Dallas Brett Matthieu Grenier [possibly] [color=6ecff6][b][GENDER][/b][/color] Male [color=6ecff6][b][AGE][/b][/color] 17 [color=6ecff6][b][APPEARANCE][/b][/color] [hider=The Superhero Pinup][img]http://i.imgur.com/cX3TgLw.jpg[/img][/hider] Many of Dallas' accessories are either familial or religious. He wears his father's custom French Foreign Legion jacket, white and sunburst orange, and has a small silver cord around his neck where he wears a weathered .22 caliber bullet and two Catholic medallions, one for St. Christopher and one for St. Anthony. Tattoos include the words [i][b]"REPENT, HARLEQUINS"[/b][/i] along his right clavicle and a large clock face over his abs, with his navel resting where the VI would on an old grandfather clock. The quote [i]"I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date"[/i] wraps underneath the bottom half of a clock, with the words [i]very important date[/i] forming an arrow pointing down his waist. [color=6ecff6][b][PERSONALITY][/b][/color] Though not villainous, Dallas isn't exactly a "truth, justice, and kissing babies on the head" kind of hero - nor is he a brooding, "knives and guns are the weapon of the enemy" espousing emo brat. Rather, his personality flaws all lay in his poor attitude in general. Intentionally needling, irreverent, and quick to anger, the mercurial young man loves to pout and roll his eyes with aplomb, and his Cheshire grin is just as often intended to make someone else roll their eyes right back at him. He's not without his vanity either, often going out of his way to emphasize his own attractiveness or flirt with others. Noted pansexual. Despite his love of being the bad boy, the French army brat has [s]a heart of gold[/s] a Rolex heart somewhere underneath the jackassery. Bold and fearless to a fault, his incessant need to talk often belies superb oratory skills and a creative mind. It's not rare for you to shut Dallas up only to find yourself thinking later on how there was a good idea or two underneath the stream of jokes, come-ons, and curses. In addition, he has a pronounced weakness for the terminally ill or those badly affected by their powers. He gets a little wet in the eyes when certain animals bite it in the movies. Fuck off. [color=6ecff6][b][BACKSTORY][/b][/color] There is honestly little known about Dallas' life that could be called concrete. When he first attempted to enroll in Brave High, he was turned away when the name he used to enroll - Jean-Claude Bravo - was found to be clearly falsified and he begrudgingly enrolled under another name. This one - though still probably false - at least led somewhere. The boy who called himself 'Dallas Grenier' had Parisian records dating back to his tenth birthday, living with an American father who had enrolled under another pseudonym in the French Foreign Legion and later became a French citizen under the edict of [i]Français par le sang versé[/i]. The boy, now a citizen of the European Union, used the name in a series of EU countries in a trek eastward - last living in Vilnius before enrolling in Brave High. Though he often spits out a series of random (and seemingly unbelievable) factoids and anecdotes about his life, much of the truth regarding a boy whose very power relies on conning people into thinking he has more power is going to remain unknown. [color=6ecff6][b][QUIRK][/b][/color] [b]If I Only Had a Heart -[/b] Dallas' organs are less organs and more biological watches, clocks, and other assorted timepieces. His heart is a large pocketwatch; there is an alarm clock face on the bottom of his right forearm that counts down the amount of time he's lived from years to the second; his very pupils have golden, ticking clock patterns. If you were to cut him down the middle you would find a large clock face underneath his six pack. This obviously does not allow him control over the power of time, but rather, a subtle degree of suggestion regarding it. Similar to how people look at stopped clocks or clocks not set for Daylight Savings Time, Dallas is able to coerce and trick people's perception of time, allowing him to seemingly manipulate it for good or ill. This power, as much illusionary as it is chronokinetic, has won Dallas many a scrap in which he landed a hundred blows on a fighter in the time they thought it took to blink once. [color=6ecff6][b][SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES][/b][/color] [b]Chew it Over with Twix -[/b] Dallas has the ability to alter the perception of others regarding how they perceive time - he can slow them down to the point where he appears to move like a speedster, allowing him to land several blows in the time they try responding to one. Use of this power often leaves an opponent feeling sluggish and helpless, as though waking up from a nap, though to anyone unaffected by Dallas they will be simply be allowing the blows to rain on them. [b]Faster Than a Speeding Bullet -[/b] Conversely, Dallas can also speed up the way people perceive time around them. Whereas the other half of his skillset revolves around psyching out opponents, this skill is more of a way to challenge the reflexes of his allies - similar to pushing someone in a pool and expecting them to swim quickly, attacks rained down on him or his friends are more likely to be deflected and countered quickly and with more effectiveness. [b]Only the Good Die Young - [/b]Less of a skill and more of a biological side effect of his Quirk, Dallas' cells are healthier and more orderly than those of a normal person. He will handle the effects of aging much more cleanly - if he ages at all - through the rest of his life and would, exempting the limits of his Quirks, prove healthy enough to live 150% of the lifespan of a normal human. The fact that this life expectancy is such a toss-up for him is a source of quiet bitterness for him. [b]The Subtle Knife -[/b] Dallas is uncannily well suited for combat with a knife, and often carries one on his person when not inside a classroom. [b]Hell of a Tongue -[/b] Dallas speaks at least four languages - English, French, Italian, and Japanese. [color=6ecff6][b][LIMITS][/b][/color] [b]The Boy Out of Time -[/b] The majority of Dallas' internal organs are timepieces - and, like all timepieces, are susceptible to skipping, going out of rhythm, or just plain dying. His aversion to aging disguises the danger this poses to his body - when such glitches inside his body occur, his mannerisms will range from twitching extremities, rapid blinking, and a slight stutter in words to full on seizures until his organ systems course correct. The use of his Quirk does not seem to instantly bring on these side effects, but their continued usage seems likely to be having a long-term effect. When these systems begin permanently failing - as all timepieces do eventually - Dallas will die.[/hider]