[center][color=0076a3][h1][b][i]GRACE POTTER[/i][/b][/h1][/color] [img]http://hd.wallpaperswide.com/thumbs/ashley_greene-t2.jpg[/img] [color=0076a3]Location:[/color] Room overlooking the range and in the range [color=0076a3]Interaction:[/color] Everyone, [@LokiLeo789] [@Royzooka][/center] [hr] Grace looked at Lucian for a moment with a look that could only be described as a deer in the headlights look. She shook her head slightly to the left and smiled, a full teeth, shining smile. [color=0076a3]"Of course,"[/color] She stated and laughed. She had gotten his humor and was relieved that people were talking to her and not down on her. It was a nice, relieving change. She looked back to Christie, still smiling a little. [color=0076a3]"You can touch them if you want. Most people shy away from them, and me for that matter. They give them the heebie Jeebies."[/color] Shrugging off her jacket, she turned her right shoulder toward Christie. Her wings stayed firmly tucked to her back, but some of the feathers were exposed, giving Christie the opportunity to touch them. This was as far as she had ever gone in letting people see her wings. Most people really did wince or shy away from them, even mutants. Most mutants have powers that they use. It seemed that a lot of them didn't have physical mutations as severe as Grace did. She glanced over her shoulder as Bryson took center stage. She turned her head to the side, biting her lip slightly. Trying to figure out exactly what he was doing. She hadn't really had time to read up on everyone else. She had glanced at a few files here and there, but no heavy reading. She did remember reading something about Bryson and one or two other names in his file. After he was finished with Sophie Grace looked over at the professor expectantly. most of them had shown off their abilities and she was wondering where this exercise was going from here. She looked over at Lucian, who was watching Bryson intently. Is he going to make some sort of looney remark? She wondered worriedly. She tucked her hair behind her ear and muttered quietly,[color=0076a3]" You can feel them too, Lucian, if you're interested in how they feel."[/color]