[@Plank Sinatra]I'm a little wary of any time manipulation powers, but absolutely awestruck by how creative this is. I think I'm going to allow it, although might I suggest maybe adding a limit or two to it? As it is the one he has is a pretty big one, but since it's a time manipulation power I just wanna be on the safe side, you know? But I think as long as he's basically a support of sorts, speeding up allies and slowing down enemies, it will probably be fine. [@Write]Hmm, you make some good points. Alright then, I'll allow it, [@Krayzikk], if no one has any other objections. And within her limits, let's say that the speed that she can safely run at is 65 kmh (about 40 miles per hour), with her yellow, orange, and red areas being 2-4 times that. Everyone, I hope that huge-ass post wasn't too much for you. If you need a TL;DR, basically all the teachers collected their homeroom students--the four classes--and are giving them a tour of the school for the benefit of the Freshmen and any newcomers. This is the time to ask questions of the teachers, interact with and get to know each other some more, and for the Juniors, to do their Quirk Assessment at their own pace. I'll let you guys decide how well you do in each event, and once the juniors are finished the other classes can move in. If you haven't finished a character or posted yet, it's fine with me if you retroactively write yourself into the previous bits and pieces, since we don't want to leave anyone behind.