[quote=@Ogobrogo] [@DarkwolfX37] Oh hey! Glad that this managed to grab your attention. We're definitely still accepting, so feel free to write up a sheet and send it our way. If you find yourself struggling, we don't mind lending a helping hand. The more the merrier, yeah? [@SheriffLlama] What a noble gesture. The rest of you could learn a thing or two about manners from this peep! They gave me AIDS and I loved it. No, but seriously, mainly just waiting on Zoldie's opinion of them for now. Mouse is bae, tho. [@XxFellsingxX] Nah, doc! The fishpeeps sent a letter ahead explaining the whole deal. I couldn't read it, because it was written in fishpeople language, but it's the thought that counts! Feel free to take yer time, dude~ Life first. It really depends. The main ones that get a character sent to a nice farm somewhere upstate are the ones on the banned list. Plasma isn't on there, but it's close. We'd really just have to see your idea fleshed out a bit, first. If you'd like, shoot the trio a pm with a description of how you'd like to implement it and what the charrie would be capable of, and we should be able to issue a decision before you spend your time on an actual sheet. [/quote] Just a quick question: Would a toned-down, realistic version of Accelerator's power be okay? Assuming you don't know who that is, that means vector manipulation. I'm having a lot of fun coming up with all the problems that come with vectors being ignored. My favorites so far are that he has to move at shifting speeds to counteract a state of zero velocity and the fact that he'd be pretty much entirely weightless. I'd like to know if it's worth fleshing out the ability before I attach a character to it, and I want to know if it's worth sending pms with the specs before I fully flesh it out. Edit: I'm at seven major disadvantages with even more minor ones and I'm not even to a third vector type. This is fun. Edit Edit: I HAD TO MAKE IT 33% MORE POWERFUL OTHERWISE THEY WOULDN'T EVEN BE ABLE TO MOVE AHAHAHAHAHA Edit Edit Edit: Oh my gods this poor person. Realism is evil.