I have a few kinda quirky character pitches. Lemme know what you think. [hider=Character ideas] [b]PSION-X:[/b] Professor X crossed with Iron Man. Essentially a super-intelligent telepath who has constructed a suit of hi-tech powered armor. Apart from the typical things you would expect from power armor (flight, enhanced strength, what have you), its weapons draw on his telepathic power to attack his enemies' minds. [b]FENRIR:[/b] A vampire werewolf. Yes, you read that correctly. The hated offspring of a vampire noble and a werewolf slave, Fenrir is a forlorn creature trying to survive in a world that hates him twice as any other monster. To this end, he has all of the powers of both a vampire and a werewolf, but also all of their weaknesses. [b]GALAXION:[/b] Inspired by several tokusatsu heroes and styles, Galaxion draws on alien DNA passed down by a distant ancestor to transform into a shining hero. He would essentially be able to [i]henshin[/i] into various forms of successively increasing power (think kinda like Digivolving), culminating in something kind of like a [i]kaiju[/i] (the true form of his alien ancestor).[/hider]