[@AbandonedIntel] [hider=Nyt Årud] [center][h1][color=#FE2160]Nyt Aurora Årud[/color][/h1][hr] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ueVyQFj.gif[/IMG] [b]"[i]Sometimes life is amazing and unpredictable. Although she isn't like us when it comes to powers, the Universe needed her too.[/i]"[/b] -[b][i]Delta, Goddess from the Kryton Galaxy.[/i][/b][/center][hr] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV_3Dpw-BRY]Kavinsky - Nightcall[/url] [/center] [hr] | [color=#FE2160][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Nyt Aurora Årud (Pronounced like “Night”) | [color=#FE2160][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | Rory | [color=#FE2160][b]Alias[/b][/color] | Echo | [color=#FE2160][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | August 5th of 2004 | [color=#FE2160][b]Age[/b][/color] | 22 | [color=#FE2160][b]Species[/b][/color] | Austean (birth planet) from the S'Onfyr System, Kryton Galaxy. | [color=#FE2160][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Female | [color=#FE2160][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Heterosexual | [color=#FE2160][b]Alignment[/b][/color] | Chaotic Neutral | [color=#FE2160][b]In-Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | Nyt stands at a firm 5’8” tall, conflicting her peers when they catch her out and about with her adoptive “Viking” family, all of which clearly tower over this strange petite gem with green eyes who prefers to keep her dark hair short year-round. Her ears are twice-pierced at the lobes with simple stainless steel earrings and her right ear has an industrial barbell with a decorative crescent moon in the middle and a single diamond-studded star at both ends. She has two faint birth marks under her cheekbones in the shape of a jagged line and scars on her knees from playing rough with the neighborhood kids after her brothers taught her some Jiujitsu moves one summer in their youth. At the age of 20, she decided to get a minimalistic drawing of the Solar system on the back of her neck, which was well-received by her heavily tattooed brothers. Nyt prefers to dress herself [url=http://i.imgur.com/2wlp7ut.png]simplistically[/url], never associating herself with interesting prints but instead opting to burn people’s retinas with her choice of colours for her beloved dresses and rompers that she so covets. She’s an avid collector of flowy cardigans and has a plethora of stockings at her disposal when the season warrants the occasion. She’s not terribly interested in high heels, but every now and then she’ll buy a stiletto or two when she’s feeling insecure. She claims she’s inspired by the attire of the Star Wars universe, but really, if it’s not covered in logos and fits, she’ll wear anything that isn’t at the bottom of her hamper. It’s rare to catch her in a pair of pants, mostly because she prefers to entertain herself as she whirls around in a pretty dress. | [color=#FE2160][b]Abilities[/b][/color] | Nyt is incredibly sensitive to a certain wave, most notably sound waves that are either created through the air or water. She’s able to manipulate them in a way where she can harvest it and save it for later, such as listening to a song she doesn’t know the name to but desires to hear, or even when she’s tired of hearing her older brother, Alistair, talk about science and she’s able to deafen him with the sound of a loud thunderbolt by opening her mouth. Being sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, she’s also able to catch radio waves without the need of a radio transmitter. Her favourite pastime is hiking to the highest point and listening to the meteors whiz by Earth. She never has a moments rest from sound but she prefers it that way, quietly remarking that she never feels alone. | [color=#FE2160][b]Limitations[/b][/color] | She isn’t able to harvest just any kind of waves, such as light or water waves. She’s also not able to control her power for a long time, although her second eldest brother, Skylar, insists that if she practices controlling her powers more often, she wouldn’t feel as drained. | [color=#FE2160][b]Equipment[/b][/color] | With her at all times: her SmartPhone, a wristwatch with stars in place of numbers and the moon as the watch face, and a silver ring with the Solar system represented by colorful gems on her right ring finger. She carries a set of keys to her home, her parents’ home, her car, and her workplace, as well as a pink pepper spray and a special edition keyring with a charm of Pluto’s updated image from the New Horizons probe. She always brings with her Crichton strapped to her thigh, a small dagger studded with diamond stars around the top of the leather hilt. She also constantly carries along a small tablet she created herself with the Raspberry Pi system, a hand sized screen capable of running like her personal home computer. | [color=#FE2160][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | - Appreciative, (she’s entirely grateful that her adoptive family took her in under the weirdest circumstances and never let her go.) - Adventurous, (she enjoys going on road trips and hiking.) - Techie, (practically raised by the computers her adoptive father would bring home from work to repair contributed to her love for technology.) - Daredevil, (bordering on reckless sometimes.) - Moody, (only girl in the family next to her mother; go figure.) - Inhibited, (unable to fully control her powers, she’s often on edge from worrying that she’ll accidentally hurt someone.) | [color=#FE2160][b]Personality[/b][/color] | An advocate for justice, Nyt finds it hard to let go of something that remains unsolved, (a perfectionist tendency on her part). She’s rather quiet but once she warms up to someone, it’s all jokes galore, thanks to her brothers being quick-witted all her life and in turn, making her a comedic genius. She would do anything for her family and close friends, but draws the line when it conflicts with her morals. At times, she seems uneasy and is constantly scanning the skies day or night, looking for the alien in a white spacecraft that visited her when she was 13. Ever since then, she became a believer of all odd things and dove into her studies for aerospace engineering, with her dream of becoming an astronautical engineer. Nyt is decidedly a “Man’s Woman”, someone who gets along with the opposite gender platonically, and hardly has any female friends, mostly owing it to her reclusive nature. On her days off, you can catch her surfing the web/Netflix all night while napping throughout the day. She never refuses food, stating that in her household with eight brothers, she practically had to fight to keep her weight at a healthy number. She’s always alert to her surroundings and in turn, is kind to (most) strangers who approach her because she saw them coming a mile away. When she feels like she’s in danger, she’s been known to use her powers in order to fend off any attackers and becomes discouraged when her powers go awry, (i.e., hurting someone more than she intended to). | [color=#FE2160][b]Quirks[/b][/color] | - Unable to look someone in the eye when she’s lying, (she’ll also start laughing when she’s trying to prank someone.) - Randomly she’ll look up at the sky and point something out, such as a funny shaped cloud, a luminous star, or even meteorites passing over Earth thanks to her gift. - She tends to “speak” with her hands frequently, (her adoptive mother commented that if she’s going to gesture, she might as well take up sign language as well.) | [color=#FE2160][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | - She enjoys spending time by herself, especially on her days off from work and all she wants to do is watch Netflix until her eyes bleed. However, most of the time she thoroughly loves working with electronics and using her telescope to survey the skies. - She takes a road trip every month, ranging anywhere from a couple of days to one week, going to wherever her heart desires with her blue 2013 Honda Civic Coupe and a lucky dog from her parent’s “Foster Farms” ranch they own in Oregon. - Singing is her all-time favourite thing to do and she does so with gusto, whether she’s driving, cooking, or especially showering. Her brothers insist she’s using her powers, but she truly does possess a harmonious voice after years of practice. | [color=#FE2160][b]Likes[/b][/color] | - Darwinism, (“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes”, she shouted after someone ran a red light in front of her.) - Cannabis and alcohol, (that’s pretty much it; she has never craved anything “harder” like the media wants you to believe.) - Astronomy - Creating gifs using her footage from drones she’s sent up into space - Music from 1970s until 2010; after that, she realized most music is a repetition of another song with different lyrics, and thus, “sucked” in her opinion. - Loves all form of transportation, (with eight brothers, she’s learned different forms of “getting away”, as they call it); but above all, she cherishes her road vehicle, (Honda Civic Coupe named Firefly), and the broken spacecraft, (EnGINeer Version 3.14), she came from that her parents keep as a reminder of what family truly is: acceptance of all things, especially the odd ones. | [color=#FE2160][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | - Nonfat milk - Small, disobedient dogs - Unjust punishment, (like the time her brothers got away after ambushing her with water balloons.) - Horrible drivers, (she believes there’s no excuse for manning a vehicle that weighs a ton and not being responsible for the rules that follow.) - People who repeat themselves multiple times after she heard them the first time, (her brother Jesse is an all-time offender with his story of how he tricked her into running into a sliding glass door back in the day.) - People who are rude to employees, (years of retail service and even dabbling in the barista industry to get through college set the tone of acceptable social behavior for her.) | [color=#FE2160][b]Fears[/b][/color] | - Being alone after watching paranormal movies/shows, (especially disembodied voices.) - Not being able to control her powers fully - Silence | [color=#FE2160][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | Born on a foreign planet, in a faraway galaxy unnamed by Earth but dubbed Austea by its home galaxy called Kryton. Nyt has mostly stuck around in Oregon ever since then, until the age of 18 when she was able to begin road tripping. | [color=#FE2160][b]Family[/b][/color] | [u]Adoptive Family[/u] Father: Gunnar Årud, aged 67, is a 6’4” tall greying red-headed man with a full-set beard who worked closely with spacecrafts in his youth until retirement. He owns “Årud Ranch” near Corvallis, Oregon with his wife, which is a foster farm for mostly canines but they’ve been known to take in stray cats as well. Mother: Astrid Årud, aged 64, is a 5’11” tall blonde haired woman who spent her own youth traveling abroad and journaling her adventures for her native country of Sweden. Once she settled down with Gunnar, they realized they both enjoyed all life as they expanded their family, adopted Nyt, and took in stray dogs in their golden years. Eldest Brother: Alistair Årud, aged 31, is a 6’5” tall red-headed man who took after his father and later realized he wanted to be amongst the stars. Due to height limitations with their country’s astronaut requirements, his father and him got creative and decided to make their own spacecrafts, using Nyt’s as the model and inspiration to fuel their dream. He lives on the Årud Ranch property in his own homestead. 2nd Eldest Brother: Skylar Årud, aged 30, is a 6’3” tall red-headed man who prefers to be in the Earth’s atmosphere as an Air Force pilot. Although he doesn’t fear the “unknown” as he refers to all “odd things” in his life, he has no desire to leave the planet unlike most of his siblings. He resides in Eugene, Oregon with his wife and two children. 3rd: Eldest Brother: Ryan Årud, aged 28, is a 6’0” tall blonde haired man with a total “Macho Male” complex, being amongst one of the shortest males in the family. He joined the Army straight after high school and continues with his military career. He and his wife reside in Salem, Oregon, with their two sons. 4th Eldest Brother: Jason Årud, aged 27, is a 6’2” tall blonde haired man who happens to work for the same company his father use to work for in Texas as a Guidance Officer at the Johnson Space Center. He resides in the outskirts of Houston with his wife and two children. 5th Eldest Brother: Greg Årud, deceased at age 25 due to a drunk driver. He is still remembered fondly as a 6’4” ginger giant and prior to his passing, he requested his ashes be put onboard any outgoing spacecraft. His father, brother Alistair, and sister Nyt took it upon themselves to make sure he gets his final request. 6th Eldest Brother: Jesse Årud, aged 24, is a blonde haired, 5’11” tall auto mechanic who enjoys his free time surfing along the coast of Oregon. He lives on the Årud Ranch in his own homestead with his daughter, Rey Astrid Årud. 7th Eldest Brother: Xavier Årud, aged 23, is a 6’1” tall red-headed man who rivals Nyt in almost every way: he studied for aeronautical engineering, he leases a new Honda Civic every few years, and for his hobby, he enjoys “Ghost Hunting” to spite his sister. Although it is believed that they hate each other by their own family, he actually looks up to his younger adopted sister and cites her as a source for his love of all things space. Youngest Brother: Alphonse Årud, aged 19, is a growing 5’7” tall blonde haired high school graduate who remains unsure about his future: all of his eldest brothers excelled in their studies and careers while he spends his days waking up midmorning at the Årud Ranch, caring for the dogs. He and Nyt seem to be the closest siblings, since she stood up for him whenever his older brothers teased him, and Alphonse in return helps Nyt train to control her powers, even though he has no gift of his own, (other than being a pot farmer with exceptional medicinal plants capable of curing nausea and headaches instantly). [u]Biological Family[/u] [url=http://i.imgur.com/vydDRR7.gif]Father[/url]: Komen Firefly, age unknown; the only thing Nyt seems to remember is warmth and love when she was in the spacecraft when she landed on Earth. An alien mentioned that he was a talented “Wavetraveler”. [url=http://33.media.tumblr.com/352603e12b1a3799c1e9ff1fa64aa823/tumblr_n2rskdFaa61ql8t12o1_400.gif]Mother[/url]: Via Firefly, age unknown; the alien mentioned that she was a “special Dreamwatcher capable of premonitions”. [url=http://i.imgur.com/wsxtwTv.gif]Sister[/url]: Din Firefly, aged three years older than Nyt; she is the alien that visited Nyt when she was 13 and told her not to fear her powers. She’s yet to visit again, but Nyt remembers the girl looked exactly like her with longer hair and more birth marks on her cheeks. The two share the same trait of gesturing with their hands and their love for the Universe. | [color=#FE2160][b]History[/b][/color] | [u]Prior to August 5th of 2004[/u] Planet Austea of the S’Onfyr System in the Kryton Galaxy; Via gives birth to her twin daughters, Din and Nyt Firefly, while her husband Komen looks on his new family with love and tears. “Are you sure it’s absolutely necessary?” he fearfully asked the odd pair: it was an older woman in the hooded cape and green eyes, towering over her counterpart at 5’7” tall versus the petite 4’11” tall girl with raven locks. However, it wasn’t the same shade of green of their irises that astonished him, nor the fact that it was the same like his wife’s or his children’s eyes: it was the fact that they were utterly apologetic and the utmost sincere. “I’m so sorry. It has to be like this. I wish I could tell you otherwise, but we’ve traveled different parallel universes until there was a humane solution. This was the safest for everyone.” “All we want is to make our home here with our girls in Era. We can run away anywhere here – we’ll be the quietest family you’ve never heard of!” Via weeped, her face soaked in tears and sweat. She hugged her daughters close, her heart pounding. “They’re just infants! How can they be as powerful as you claim?” “Because,” started the hooded woman who began to tug at it until it fell on her shoulders. Her hair was like a beautiful bloodbath of silky strands and it shined with the light of the moon. Via instantly recognized her. “I [i]am[/i] Din Firefly. It took us years to find a way to stop the evil king from beginning his reign and now, it’s too late. In a parallel universe, he has Nyt in his hands right now ready to use her powers, and the only thing that could work in sending [i]your[/i] daughters away from here so they don’t fall into his hands again. The result is… this Din right here.” The small girl with the dark hair offered the new parents a smile. “I’m the secret weapon against him.” [u]August 5th of 2004[/u] “Uh, Houston? We have a problem.” Gunnar sighed and pulled away from his solitaire game to look up at the monitors. As soon as his eyes laid on the object, his heart began to pound out of his chest. “Oh, [i]shit[/i]! Dear God, what is that?” “No idea, Houston. It looks like it’s going to land, though.” The egg-shaped white pod was definitely not their design and its movements were much too controlled for it to be a meteorite of undistinguishable material. “Let it land. It seems to know what it’s doing.” He began gathering up his stacks of folders and books, and shoveled them into his briefcase. “Time to investigate.” “Copy.” [u]Aftermath[/u] Gunnar stood at the top of the crater, looking down at the amazing discovery below him as he lit up a cigarette. Everything around him was a blur, with the rain drizzling lightly and the sounds of the woods soothing his nerves. He focused solely on the object and flicked the cigarette absentmindedly behind him when he was through with it. “I’m going down,” he called out, mostly to himself as his group became preoccupied with detailing what proceeded next. He carefully stepped sideways down the crater, nearly tripping over himself with excitement as he reached the pod. Upclose, it was still egg-shaped but now it was a dusty white pod with a black window. He reached out and gingerly dusted the window, hoping to peer inside. However, it was pitch black and his heart sank as he realized he didn’t know how it opened. It seemed to hum a beautiful melody that did not make earthly sounds and he tried his best to imitate it. Suddenly, a cry rang out from the pod and Gunnar threw himself back, startled. “It sounds like a baby!” he cried out to his colleagues, who now came bounding down the top of the crater. The window slowly receded back into the ship, revealing a terrified baby with stunning green eyes and bright red marks under her cheeks in the shape of a jagged line. “Please eject the infant, Nyt,” the spacecraft advised. It repeated itself until Gunnar tentatively picked up the humming, sniveling baby. | [color=#FE2160][b]Extra[/b][/color] | Nyt is unaware about events that led her to Earth; she only knows about her twin sister named Din, and that their family surname is Firefly. Din is careful not to intrude on her Earthbound sister's life, considering she's still fighting the evil king that separated them in the first place. Due to her traveling through space her entire life, Din is an entire three years older than her twin. Favourite superhero is Aeryn Sun from Farscape and my timezone is -7 PDT. This is a High-Casual RP, so I suggest you bring your A-Game! [sub]Face Claim: Audrey Hepburn[/sub] [/hider]