[img]http://www.short-hairstyles.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Cute-Girls-with-Short-Hair.jpg[/img] [b]Role:[/b] Pawn [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Cheerful:[/b] Generally quite cheerful, a smile is the most common expression to be found on her face. [b]Impulsive:[/b] stopping and thinking things through is not her forte, she's much more likely to jump in and question later, not that she can't be logical or follow reason, she just tends to need to [i]do[/i] things. [b]Loyal:[/b] (…to a fault as they say). it can take her a while to actually trust anyone, but once her trust is gained, she will follow them through thick and thin. The flip side of that of course is that anyone who breaks her trust will probably regret it, she can really hold a grudge. [b]Stubborn:[/b] she will listen to others point's of view, but once her mind's made up it can be rather hard to convince her otherwise about anything. [b]Other:[/b] she has a habit of tapping her fingers or feet in a rhythm from songs she can never quite recall, she can also be caught humming snatches of song. more of a follower than a leader. In a fight she can give as good as she gets, but that's about it. She's not adverse to hitting things/people with large blunt force objects though. Blood doesn't faze her, [i]much[/i], but gore/guts and the like, does. So a little bit squeamish, pus in small quantity's doesn't bother her, nor does mud, or dirt. She really hates it when she finds out her role is the pawn, as: "It make me sound like a piece to move at others commands!"