[quote=@DarkwolfX37] Just a quick question: Would a toned-down, realistic version of Accelerator's power be okay? Assuming you don't know who that is, that means vector manipulation. I'm having a lot of fun coming up with all the problems that come with vectors being ignored. My favorites so far are that he has to move at shifting speeds to counteract a state of zero velocity and the fact that he'd be pretty much entirely weightless. I'd like to know if it's worth fleshing out the ability before I attach a character to it, and I want to know if it's worth sending pms with the specs before I fully flesh it out. Edit: I'm at seven major disadvantages with even more minor ones and I'm not even to a third vector type. This is fun. Edit Edit: I HAD TO MAKE IT 33% MORE POWERFUL OTHERWISE THEY WOULDN'T EVEN BE ABLE TO MOVE AHAHAHAHAHA Edit Edit Edit: Oh my gods this poor person. Realism is evil. [/quote] Well, from the sounds of it, it looks like you're writing up a fun ability! I'm going to suggest that you send us a nice PM explanation before attaching your character, though, because I just looked up the Accelerator and I think this is going to be a close thing. Still-- let's see what you've got, and we'll try our best to make it work!!