Hiya Guys! It's your open Kaan of whoopass. Get it cause Kaan..Can..okay nevermind. Scenario: So this is going to take place during a random era, but not to be canon. Anything is possible. Now I'm accepting any characters. I may take rehashed cannon characters but the rest of canon characters that exist may be under a control of me. As sort of a DM (Dungeon Master for those non DnD players.). If to give us a plot device or something, or will be in the background. Now you can select from the following few classes. I want it to kind of a pinnacle of all eras. So there will be a sith empire, republic and jedis. An inbetween of course too. The cross-fire. It's just an rp to have fun with and be star wars theme no need to be like fully educated of all star wars lore. The Story: The JEDI have defended the REPUBLIC for ages now against the DARK SIDE of the FORCE, the SITH have tried to take control of the REPUBLIC as they expand their EMPIRE. Now though there is an uneasy peace in the galaxy as they treat one another as separate entities. The two keep the galaxy separated and on nails as they wait for the next galactic war of old legends. The peace has lasted for quite some time but all things must come to an end. But will it? That is upto you adventurers and roleplayers. Where will your motivations lead you? Classes: Jedi (Lawful-Good). Protectors of the light, the good and pure hearted force users, using the force as a tool and the lightsaber to defend one's self. Gray Jedi(Neutral Good). Neither Light or Dark. Following their own code to keep evil from flourishing but allowing balance to be maintained. Dark Jedi(Neutral Evil). Not exactly a evil son of a bitch like Sith but is on the path, trying to earn that right but aren't too far from being a Gray to keep good from flourishing and allowing balance with evil dominance. Sith(Unlawful Evil). Pure evil incarnate, like Brock Lesnar ate Satan finished him off with a drink of disney. Using the force as a tool and the lightsaber as a weapon to claim their own rights, with strong emotions. Smuggler(Chaotic Neutral). A person without a care in the world as long as they get paid and make payments. Usually stealing and dealing. Republic trooper(Neutral Good). Loyal to the republic with an undying will to defend it and it's people. A soldier. Sith trooper(Neutral Evil). Loyal to the Sith Empire with an undying desire to expand its spaces and take over. A soldier. Bounty Hunter (Chaotic Neutral). Assassin (Chaotic Evil). (Of course none of the above have to be the selected alignments but I would atleast like them to be close. Like I'm all good for character development, and a jedi, gray jedi, or Dark jedi travelling through one another's route to the dark side and becoming full fledged sith, but I'd rather not have a jedi who's basically a sith just parading as a jedi unless he's really good at covering that shit up. Feel free to even mix match, just remember I have to approve so just try to sell me on it. I'm not too harsh, and I love creativity, so I can't wait to see what you guys post. We will post character sheets in the OOC but I just want to get people interested first. Please post in here if interested.) Wanna get started on the character sheet already? Here ya go: Name: Class: If a custom one let me see and decide. Description: Any pictures or descriptions allowed. Backstory: Doesn't have to be too much just like a tidbit to help us understand why your character is the way they are. Personality: What your character acts like. Can be a situation to give an example of how they react, if you aren't good with this. Alignment: Current Planet residence: *Note* Do not post the Character sheets in here Post em in the OOC: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/127269-star-wars-breakable-peace/char