[hider=Razan Ter] [B]Name:[/b] Razan Ter [B]Age:[/b] 26 [B]Gender:[/b] Male [B]Species:[/b] Half-Orc [B]Physical Description:[/b] [hider=Razan][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/19/2d/c9/192dc9828489f0465d6f805ed0a4e5bb.jpg[/img][/hider] [INDENT]Razan has short, trimmed black hair, with an equally trimmed beard. His small tusks are sharpened to a razor point and his skin is dark green, no doubt from his years spent in the Teresian desert. His physique is impressive, standing at 6 foot 3 inches with barely any fat on him. Though he does not have the build of a pure blood orc, he still has their capacity to gain and build muscle and their lust for battle, multiple scars adorning his torso and arms. Razan wears a black hardened leather set, it being light enough for him to dual wield his swords effectively but strong enough to allow him to survive fearsome blows from most weapons. He wears the fur cloak of a rare giant black wolf he slayed during his time with Brand, useful for sneaking at night and keeping his true race a secret from most. He also wears two gold earrings he made himself on his left ear, in honor of his fallen blood relatives.[/INDENT] [B]Skillset:[/b] [INDENT] -Expert Dual Wielding Swordsman: Trained in the Orcish tribe of Terrana as a young child, Razan never let this skill leave him and practiced even during his timed with Brand. -Skilled Archer: Of course being the adoptive son of a ranger, Razan learned Archery and became adept at it, though he was nowhere near as good as Brand was. -Talented Sneaker: Despite his large height and orcish blood, Razan proved to be a natural at sneaking, though some of his siblings out sneaked him, he was definitely one of the best. -Master Smith and Craftsman: From birth, Razan was taught by his tribe that everything you make yourself will be more powerful because it has your blood, sweat, and tears in it. So Razan learned how to smith and craft everything he owns, from his clothing to his weapons to his earring remembering his mother and brother. -Okay Tracker: For some reason, Razan has always been an average tracker, maybe it's his orcish blood butting it's big annoying head in or maybe he just never had the eyes for it, despite them being very good. Either way, he falls flat. - Knowledgeable in Medicine: Razan has always had an interest in practical medicine, with herbs and poultices. Maybe it's due to his tribal heritage and maybe it's also due to the fact that he was often injured in some way or other, in any case he's become proficient in treating injuries with things such as splints, homemade bandages, herbal solutions. - Proficient in Hand to hand Combat: Trained in Ravk Ma, the orcish martial art, Razan loves to test his mettle in hand to hand fighting.[/INDENT] [B]History:[/b] [INDENT]Razan Ter was born to an Orc Mother and a Human Father. His father quickly fled Teresia, the desert homeland of many orc tribes, knowing that he could be killed for his unthinking loins. Razan's mother, Azania, took the new born back to their tribe and despite his mixed race, the tribe accepted him. Not so much due to their accepting nature, but due to the fact that Azania Ter was one of the most fearsome and respected warrior in Teresia. There were even rumors that the surname Ter, which is the root word of Teresia, was from the first Orcs, who drove the mythical insect species the Lhrazana to extinction. Razan began to learn and fight by the time he was 5, he trained with his older brother Azan who was a pureblood orc. Razan proved to be a natural at many Orcish activities, becoming proficient in each within the short time he was with his tribe. Swordsmanship, Smithing and Crafting, Ravk Ma. But it was when he was 10 years old that his whole life changed. His tribe was attacked by their rivals, The Lahktah, and most were slaughtered, including his mother and brother. He slew his first man there, using the a traditional dagger to slice open the throat of an Orc who was strangling him. There were only 4 survivors that were captured of the tribe of 400. Razan was one of them, and was sold to slavers who sailed him across the seas to a strange and foreign land. The night they docked, after over a month of captivity, he escaped, killing two more men on his way out. He ran all night and well into the day, the slavers pursuing him on large four legged beasts he had never seen before. He stumbled into a 'forest' he had heard some of the locals call it while he stole food. Razan trudged through it for half an hour before being found by Brand. He was immediately suspicious, but Brand's friendly and kind nature brought him around and Razan followed Brand to his home. No doubt Brand was worried, the young half-orc covered in blood with a tired and haggard look on his face and he didn't know a word in common tongue as well. Razan slept for 2 days straight, emerging from his room with a refreshed look then a sorrowful one as reality hit him. He managed to convey his story (Somehow) to Brand and accepted his offer of staying with Brand until he could figure out what to do next. Razan stayed with Brand for 8 years, learning and training, honing the skills he had learned from his tribe and developing the ones Brand taught him. He eventually learned Common Tongue (though his accent is still somewhat strong, even to this day) and interacted with his adoptive siblings. Razan left Brand's home when he was 18, determined to return to Teresia and avenge the slaughter of his tribe. He traversed the sea separating him from his homeland. After a month of travel he arrived at Hlonath, the Orcish city-state, the only form of non-tribal Orcish government in Teresia, obviously heavily influenced by foreigners. He began the search for masters of Orcish arts such as Orcish Style Dual Wielding and Ravk Ma to finish his training, as well as began learning to use practical medicine. He stayed for a year in Hlonath, perfecting his training and skills before venturing out into Teresia, in search of the Orc who ordered the raid of his tribe.[/INDENT] It turns out The Lahktah are very elusive and after two years of searching, he found where they were camped. Over a thousand strong, they were one of the larger nomadic tribes and their leader, Roganaz Lahktah, was a fearsome warrior who had lead many raids, such as the one on Razan's tribe. Now 20 years old, Razan knew he had no such force to take on the entire tribe. But he didn't need to, all he needed to do was infiltrate the camp and kill Roganaz. And so he waited for the dead of night, infiltrating the camp. The Lahktah had grown lazy and arrogant and posted no guards save for a few roaming orcs who had lost a bet. It was almost too easy to get in, but Razan knew that wouldn't be the hard part. Roganaz was by all accounts a strong and powerful warrior, who had slain many Orcs and Men alike in his time. But he was aging, 64 years old and Razan planned to use that to his advantage. Razan found the Chief's tent and entered, quickly slicing open the face of the guard posted, a fountain of blood and a thump quickly awoke the restless chief and he leaped out of his bed, naked. Razan knew he couldn't allow the Chief to dress before he attacked so he rushed towards him, drawing both of his swords, which he forged at the smith in Bosfyrd. Roganaz barely had time to grab his warhammer before the young warrior was upon him, slashing and thrusting and stabbing. It was a fierce fight, and Roganaz nearly took off Razan's head. But his old age did indeed catch up with him. He swung his mighty hammer a moment too slow, allowing Razan to dodge and lunge forward, impaling the 6 foot 8 warrior with both of his swords. Roganaz stumbled and dropped his hammer, leaning against a table that had been set up. Razan basked in the moment and took this time to explain his purpose as Roganaz drew closer to death. But what he hadn't noticed is that Roganaz had grabbed a dagger off the table and towards the end of his Razan's speech, he slashed out, opening Razan's side. Cursing himself for his own carelessness he split open Roganaz's head with a slash and quickly fled the camp, leaving a trail of blood. But The Lahktah never caught their leader's killer. Razan survived with a new scar and became a mercenary, fighting battles all across Teresia and other kingdoms for years. Until one day he longed for home, for the nightwood and Bosfyrd and Brand. So he packed up and sailed across the seas, heading back to the place of his youth. But he would be in for a rude surprise and a new battle all together... [B]Psychological Profile:[/b] [INDENT]Razan is cynical of anyone he doesn't know to say in the least. He will talk to them politely if a tad sardonic. He holds all adoptive children of Brand with a certain respect and favor, because he knows what they've been through, more so than others. He thrives off battle, he loves the adrenaline, the thrill, the crack of bone and sinew, the spurt of blood. Though he hasn't told anyone other than orcs because he fears they might not understand, one can clearly see it in battle, the look of pure joy on his face is unmistakable. And Razan is scared of nothing, except being rejected by Brand and his adoptive siblings, the only people he cares about in the world. But in any other case he is fearless, quite literally laughing in the face of death. He can come off as condescending to others, even if he doesn't mean to and even to his own siblings. His accent has lessened over the years, but anyone can clearly tell he is not a native speaker of common tongue. Razan suffers from mild PTSD, haunted by the brutal slaughter of his tribe for years. Razan is also extremely confident in his abilities, almost to the point of dangerous arrogance.[/INDENT] [B]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] The Twin Swords, Azania and Azan: Forged in the fires of the Bosfyrd Smith with a mixture of Vendish and Orcish Metal, Razan made these himself and named them after his fallen family, who both were as dangerous as a sword. [*] The Black Bow, Terrana: Built by Razan, this bow was made from the wood of the nightwood, with a string made from a tendon of the Giant Black Wolf he killed when he was 15. It has a drawback force of 220 lbs. [*] Razan's Outfit: Gloves, trousers, boots, cuirass, all made from Black Leather harvested from the Teresian Rhino, strong enough to effectively protect Razan and light enough for him to move quickly. [*] The Giant Black Wolf Cloak: The cloak made from the fur of the rare wolf Razan killed, it's optimal to hide him in both the forest and night effectively. [*] Razan's Medical Bag: A medium sized bag hanging from his belt, this contains all of Razan's herbs, poultices, potions, bandages, etc. That he uses to treat injuries. [*] Earrings of the Blood: Two earrings forged in honor of Razan's mother and brother. He wears them everywhere. [/list] [b]Yes, and:[/b][indent] -Brand of Nightwood: Brand was Razan's savior quite literally. He gave Razan the skills and ability to avenge the death of his family. He also opened his eyes to the other walks of life. Brand was the father Razan never had. -Varrick Tuldar: Varrick and Razan got along fairly well, sparring frequently with swords and the like, training alongside one another. Razan had only been with Brand for about a year when Varrick arrived and helped him with his sword techiniques and his fighting style. He felt like a Big Brother to Varrick at times and he didn't mind that feeling. [@NickTrano] -Masef: Masef had been with Brand before even Razan had shown up and was about four years younger than him when Razan arrived. Still, they got along well enough and Razan enjoyed seeing the rivalry between Varrick and Masef blossom as they grew up together, remembering sadly that his relationship with his own brother was painfully similar. [@HeySeuss] -Ashira: Razan always found Ashira to be curious, especially when they first met because he had never seen an elf before. Even before he arrived in the vendlands, he had seen human mercenaries come and go from his tribe's camp, but no elves. As they grew up, Razan always had his eye on her, making sure she was doing alright. He knew Grey was probably doing the same, but he was doubtful in Grey's ability to protect her. Ashira was one of the first and only people to make Razan laugh after the slaughter of his tribe and that went a long way. [@AirBender] -Grey Balthan: Razan and Grey aren't the best of friends. While being adoptive siblings, a bond that can never break, Razan always saw Grey as always trying to be something he's not, always wanting to prove something. But still, that was a long time ago. Grey was 12 when Razan left and even then Razan hadn't known him too well. [@R31GN] -Beren Edurus: When Beren came to Brand and they learned of his story, Razan knew all too well what it felt like. They quickly became friends, sparring and training on a daily basis with Varrick. Although it irritated Razan that Beren refused to hunt, he soon lived with it. [@POOHEAD189] -Loden Grimm: Perhaps one of his closest friends among his siblings, Razan and Loden got along wonderfully. Loden was 11 when Razan arrived and consoled him, asking about Orc culture and the land with Brand (Sort of) translating. Loden taught Razan the effects of medicine and sparked his interest in it. He helped Razan hone his bow skills and practiced with him in hand to hand sparring. When Loden left when Razan was 15, it was probably one of the saddest days of Razan's life. [@Gunther] -Kiera: Razan can't seem to remember whether Kiera was with brand when he arrived or after, but it doesn't matter. He was one of the first to approach he suspects. Some of the other orphans seemed to fear her blank eyes and dark skin, but Razan had no such fears. Nothing could scare him after what he had seen. He began to hang out with Kiera and slowly others started to warm up to her. Razan noticed Kiera had a knack for tinkering and that coincided with his skill for smithing and building things himself. They bonded over that and made some pretty cool stuff together. Razan isn't sure if he left first or her, it hardly matters now...[@Naril] -Sachevia: Razan always found Sachevia strange, but never scary. There was no magic, no witches in his homeland so he didn't understand the fear the others had for her. So he spoke with her, told her his story (In Broken Common Tongue, but she got the message.) Every once in a while they would discuss herbs and apothecary supplies, Razan knowing that Loden always needed some but was sometimes too nervous to ask her. When she left, Razan often wondered where a girl like that would go in the world. [@Noxious] -Hara: Of all his siblings, Hara is probably the one Razan respects the most. Hearing his story, he couldn't imagine being born to die. Razan suddenly was much more grateful for his mother's loyalty to him, as if not protected, the tribe could have easily killed him for being a Half-Orc before he had the chance to prove himself. Razan and Hara spent long hours sparring, as Hara was probably the only one besides Varrick that could stand up to him in melee combat. When Hara left, Razan knew why and hoped he could find peace. [@Hellis] Please let me know if I messed up the timeline, if Razan should have met or not have met someone.[/indent][/hider] [@HeySeuss]