[center][h2]Corporal James Hunt|Inside the Coach House[/h2][/center] [center][@Shyla Nesthorn][@Evil Snowman][@Kitsune][@Raven_Operative][/center] James watched the wounded guys from squad nine go up to relieve Durandal and Lilly and sighed, mentally making a note to help assist in lowering casualties in the next battle. However, he was also listening to the conversations going on in the room and shook his head as potential candidates continued trickling into the room. "Half right, Nelson. Squad Four, mine and Glaive's squad, took fewer casualties than Squad Nine did, but we still need to reshuffle people around enough that all the squads in the attack are as close to full strength as possible. I'm thinking most of the fresh meat's going to Squad Nine, but I look forward to working with whoever helps fill in our gaps too." Actually coming back inside, Hunt grabs his pack and sets it up like a stool, sitting on it and pulling his pistol free of it's holster. Ejecting the clip, he takes it apart in a practiced motion and starts cleaning it, a short process since it wasn't used often. Finished, he puts it back together and reholsters it before moving his uniform to check the wound on his shoulder and make sure the bandaging was holding up. [i]Gotta be more careful next time, don't want anyone dying because of my orders anymore that Stichler does. But...well, let's leave that train of thought for less dangerous times.[/i] Lifting the bandage, he takes off his uniform top and pulls out a flask, removing the old bandage and then pouring more alcohol onto the bullet wound. This illicited a hiss of pain from the Corporal, but after a few seconds, he wrapped it with new bandages and put his uniform top back on, picking up his scout rifle and new sniper rifle and slinging the latter over his shoulder while looking at the others. "So, any other regular army attaches here, or am I the only one?"