[quote=@AbandonedIntel] [@Chickn] [@Nallore] The RP is still open! :D Please make sure you have read the rules before applying though! [@Archmage MC] Give me a moment to look up what it is. XD [/quote] Basically they are a toon. Toon physics, toon regeneration, ext... Its a long list of powers that equate to... Powers (note, a lot of these are basically Deadpool's powers, just less gorey and more comedic.) Ultimate Regeneration-ish. Toon Physics (Basically can't bleed, gravity is delayed, stretchy movement, comedic effects, disguises against mooks, reality attack immunity, ext...) Teleport (Slow) Enhanced Strength Enhanced Bullet Time/Speed/Quantom speed (limited ofc) Pocket Space/Random comedic items Toon-ifying things Weaknesses Power strength tied to emotional state Being 'Crowd Controlled' negates a large amount of powers Takes Extra damage from attacks Crippling weakness to bio based attacks like knockout gas and drugs. Very bad luck / Natural target And the character in question is more of a pacifist unless made extremely angry, think Sans. They're more likely to laugh at the Joker's jokes than hate him for it and probably volunteer for a few of them just for the laughs. I should mention I've been working quite a bit to make it balanced, and I can take more balancing advice from you as well. Its a very complex powerset.