[@Savo]: I rather like Xinyi, though~!! Much politer than some of the other characters that I've played recently... as I'm sure you know better than most. XDDDDD [@Wade Wilson]: No worries, you have time!! Go forth and prosper, my dear friend. But... That awkward moment when all three GMs are in different timezones. #pain [h3][center][u][b]UPDATE FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS SENT IN A CS[/b][/u][/center][/h3] Everyone-- your character sheets have all already been looked over by two out of three GMs! If Ogo or I found any pressing concerns, we've already PM-ed you about it! If not, your sheet is just waiting for the final thumbs up from our (strictest) GM, Zoldyck! So no worries, character sheet reviewing is already in process! :D