[center][color=red][u][h2][b]Private First Class Cecilia Rousseau[/b][/h2][/u][/color][/center] Jatmoore had explained to Cecilia how the guns were going to be dealt with, and she just nodded, before waiting around. After a moment Jatmoore and Durandal seemed to talk for a moment before Hunt called them both. Soon after, injured members from Squad 9 came in. Cecilia started to feel left out, being the only Squad 4 member guarding the prisoners. Was it because she was still new to Squad 4 that she wasn't called upon? *Sighing* she decided to make best of the situation that she could. Her butt and left thigh were shot, but it wasn't too bad. It made her uncomfortable with some pain, but it wasn't too bad. Her shoulder was bandaged, it was only a light wound, so she was still fit enough for all her duties. She was lucky to have made it with light wounds, considering that she was rushing in head on. She really does get too reckless sometimes. The Squad 9 members spoke to each other, with mixed emotions and mixed topics. One was offering ciggies. Cecilia took the chance to take one, but she didn't really get a chance to talk to them. They seemed to be keeping to themselves more. It might have been a slight squad grudge, as their squad was in the firing line the whole time. Eventually, Cecilia thought she should also head to where the others were for the meeting. She was uncomfortable in the guard room. Entering, it seemed a few new people were around, and there were a few people talking. Cecilia noticed that Hunt had picked up a gun that was from the Imperial pile. [color=red]"Yo, Hunt, or should I be calling you your title right now? Is it alright if I take one of the guns? Also, leaving me alone with the prisoners and Squad 9 members. They didn't even want to talk to me."[/color] Cecilia casually spoke to Hunt. Looking at the new faces, she introduced herself, [color=red]"PFC Rousseau, Shocktrooper. Nice to meet you all."[/color]