[hider=Xerxes] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c3/5f/57/c35f575226367922da58c92a369d411d.jpg[/img] [hider=Face Reveled back in Tequila] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/b0b4/f/2014/294/3/a/life_is_a_game__so_lvl_up_by_kyoux-d83nsos.png[/img] [/hider] [h1][color=Crimson]Xerxes[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [color=Crimson][b][u]Alias[/u][/b][/color] [indent] The Red Dragon The Crimson Reaper Red-Eyed Demon Baldy[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Height/Weight[/u][/b][/color] [indent]5'11" 196 lbs[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Age[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Believed to be 26[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Xerxes stands as an inquisitive, apathetic observer most of the time, assessing people and situations while throwing out morality and the concept of grey areas as contaminating factors. Driven by such mindsets as "survival of the fittest" and "to the victor go the spoils", Xerxes takes great pleasure in determining whether the will and/or strength of one person or party is capable of overpowering those of another and genuinely respects people of strong will and unshakable conviction, but cares little to nothing for the lives that are affected or even lost as a consequence of the conflicts that arise due to his meddling. Even his own life is accountable to his unconventional ideals and he is only too glad to put his existence on the line. Cool and mannerly, Xerxes is an avid philosopher and skilled rhetorician despite his young age. As an analyst of human nature, Xerxes understands exactly what needs to be said in order push people over the edge. He is shown to be a very calculating and methodical man, able to seemingly perceive any and all matters at hand and use this information to better manipulate the situation, making him all the more dangerous.[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Home Island/Sea[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Unknown/Maybe East Blue Area[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]History[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Xerxes has no recollection of his past life, waking up on the remains of Tequila Wolf with the the power of the Kiba Fruit, he lived with those who commandeered it as their own. Xerxes, as he called himself at the time, was fed and taken care of by the inhabitants, who assumed he may have had amnesia, losing 22 years of a persons life was no joke. Within a month of Xerxes mysterious arrival on Tequila Wolf, 100 of it inhabitants were either murdered or missing, some killed by a fire that never stopped or spread, or were cut up, burn marks left were they were dismembered. Investigations only led to dead ends, but many made the connection of Xerxes arrival to the murders. Xerxes killed with no remorse, and for seemingly no reason, it was as if his memories were taken and all that was left was the command to kill. Due to seemingly unending accusations, Xerxes was taken into custody and was to be executed, but before his head was to be severed from his body, Xerxes escaped. The guards carelessness in using normal handcuffs instead of sea stone, lead to his escape of the island onto a ship, who he soon rid of its sailors after it docked. After island hoping and murdering both evil and innocent alike for seemingly no reason for years on end, Xerxes found himself longing for purpose. Killing brought him no inherit joy, but it what he woke up with, and seeking out his memory was the last thing on his list. Soon Xerxes found himself on a pirate crew, one that crowned him as its First-Mate and one that brought purpose to his meaningless life of killing, one that wished to attain the title of Pirate King and the fortune that went with it. Xerxes went along with the ride.[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Fruit[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Hiba Hiba no mi (Spark Spark Fruit) A Paramecia-type fruit that gives off the illusion of a Logia-Type. Sparks are created by friction that creates immense heat, so Xerxes' power focused on that and the manipulation of concentration of oxygen in the air. Static electricity is created when he snaps his fingers, which creates sparks. This highly volatile 'spark' ignites a dense patch of oxygen that he creates which ignites the air. Xerxes can raises the density of the oxygen surrounding his target to a level at which it becomes volatile and creates narrow pathways of oxygen between himself and his target through which he can direct the ensuing flash fire that blossoms from the spark of his fingers. As a result, he can incinerate any number of enemies in the field while deftly avoiding any adjacent allies. The 'snap' sound heard at the start of these attacks is caused by the instantaneous speed at which the highly concentrated gases and sparks react together and pop. Xerxes can manipulate this to a point were he can create friction by rubbing the atoms on the surface of his skin with oxygen in the air. This allows Xerxes to create a spark at any point on his body, allowing him to create a torrent of unnatural electrical fire that can set fire to virtually anything, even non flammable substances like rocks, metal, water, or create a small explosion with anything he is in direct contact with. Xerxes can also manipulate it to the point were the constant barrier of static electricity he creates can be ignited, and the explosion can be controlled. This allows him to block blades and bullets with controlled explosions, any point on his body.[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Abilities/Race Traits:[/u][/b][/color] Xerxes has little information about his past life, but it seems he was trained to be a killer. It seems a lot of what he learned before the lose of his memories can be brought back if he recognizes the ability when someone else does it. His immense speed and tactical prowess, in addition to his destructive Devil fruit proves his killers background. He utilizes a unnamed martial art similar to that of Fish man Karate which instead pushed a torrent of electrical fire that us pushed outward. [list] [*] A martial art that features quick, successive attacks that exert extreme power for just a moment, sacrificing defense to provide continuous offense. [*]Powerful Observation Haki [*]Immense Speed ------------- [*][i]"Primordial Burst"[/i] "Raising both of his arms in front of his body, he rubbed his hands together, creating friction which in turn created static and sparks. The moment his unclasped his hands, the oxygen between his hands ignited, but he increased the amount of static in it, making the flame dense. He repeated this process, but this time allowed the oxygen molecules in the air to the work to produce more static. This fed the flame, but kept it small. Within seconds a ball of unstable volatile electrical fire the could be employed to release a beam that could burn things without setting an explosion, similar to a lens focusing sunlight, instead vaporizing its target pointing it in the direction of the main ship, its bright light could be easily seen by them." [/list] [list][i]Heavenly Cataclysm[/i] [*]"Suddenly, he felt the warm grip of the smoke marines hands on his legs, attempting to disrupt his Friction Layer, but there was nothing there. As he grabbed Xerxes, his body lit up like a flare, a sphere of pure electricity and fire surrounding his body. Utilizing the field of static that he kept just a few inches off the surface of his skin began to go into overdrive. The friction it created with the air molecules created a massive spark, but Xerxes controlled it, condensed it, similar to the way he controlled his 'Primordial Burst". The energy being released literally ate the oxygen in the air so quickly this time, that the air seemed to be devoid of oxygen. Complete and utter silence, no one could breath, no one would perceive sound as Xerxes mumbled theses words, all within a second. Within a blink of an eye they were all enveloped is an extremely massive explosion, a sphere of pure pyro-electric fire literally vaporizing anything and everything in its path. In its center, the marines and Xerxes. The explosion vaporized anything within 40 feet in all directions, surrounding birds were literally turned to ash. A pressure wave snapped trees, bent iron rails, demolished buildings and grounded vessels. Hardly a window in the town below survived the blast. Thousands of people had stopped to watch the explosion from inside buildings, were blinded permanently as glass lodged itself in thier eye sockets. The Marines were strong, but the explosion was was equivalent to 20 tons of TNT exploding. A massive ball of black smoke was left as a whoosh of oxygen returned to the site after the vacuum it created."[/list] [list][i]Cull the Meek[/i] [*]"The world seemed to slow down to a snails pace, showing the sheer speed of the Crimson Reaper in action. As the marines punch flew through the air, Xerxes right arm darted out as he leaned forward. As his palm connected with his stomach, his left hand darted out to catch the punch. Two things took place simultaneously, his left hand, that he used to block the incoming attack, released an explosion strong enough to deflect the pressure of the punch, caused half the ship to be mangled from the sheer force of the explosion. The other hand, produced a torrent if flames that released with enough force to blow up the rest of the ship. In tandem, he released an explosion that was equivalent to 1.5 tons of TNT."[/list] [color=Crimson][b][u]Fighting-Style[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Xerxes is particularly observant, taking into consideration even the smallest details of his surroundings in order to better understand and deal with challenges and is not above using cheap tricks or questionable tactics to ensure his own survival. This is aided by the use of Observation Haki, which he picked up after hunting for those who escaped his demonic fire. Xerxes is close to mastering this Haki, allowing him to even see those concealed. Using the information he gains from his opponent, he acrobatically subdues them, and if necessary, kills them. His Fighting style emphasizes long range techniques, quick advances and retreats, wide stances, kicking and leaping techniques, whirling circular blocks, quickness, agility, and aggressive attacks. Wielding dense beams of electrical fire, he utilizes immense speed and agility to win, taking calculated strikes to minimize his own fatigue, and ensure his enemies defeat. [/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u][/u]Ship Position[/b][/color] [indent]First-Mate of Marxo[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Bounty[/u][/b][/color] [indent]3,000,000 Beli[/indent] [/hider] [hr] [hider=Rayne Alexander] [center][img] http://orig03.deviantart.net/8b6d/f/2011/334/1/4/14c623977d729c787a264cce2151f2e4-d4hsidl.png [/img] [h1][color=LightBlue]Rayne Alexander[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [color=LightBlue][b][u]Alias[/u][/b][/color] [indent] The Spark Spark Revolutionary Spark Boom Rayne [/indent] [color=LightBlue][b][u]Height/Weight[/u][/b][/color] [indent]5'11" 196 lbs[/indent] [color=LightBlue][b][u]Age[/u][/b][/color] [indent]26[/indent] [color=LightBlue][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Often stoic in nature and staunch in attitude, Rayne tends be somewhat quiet in situations that do not directly involve him and remains mostly serious as well as being straight-forward, especially those he would consider threat, such as his alter ego, Xerxes. In battle, he is analytical, taking in small movements and details and immediately notes it whether it be out loud or within the confines of his thoughts. He's also not above calling out other individuals on negative traits also. Despite that fact that he has morals opposed to his alter ego, Rayne seems to possess little regard of ordinary human life, having a history of being apart of The Revolutionary Army. Cool and mannerly, Rayne is an avid philosopher and skilled rhetorician despite his young age, retaining this part if his personality from his alter ego. He is a very calculating and methodical man, able to seemingly perceive any and all matters at hand and use this information to better manipulate the situation to his advantage. [/indent] [color=LightBlue][b][u]Home Island/Sea[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Unknown[/indent] [color=LightBlue][b][u]History[/u][/b][/color] [list] [*]A young man with a keen intellect is born into a impoverished family. [/list] [list] [*]A young man is fascinated with the 'Worst Generation' and wishes to emulate them. [/list] [list] [*]He witness the injustice of the Marines and joins the Revolutionary Army. [/list] [list] [*]Goes up in rank and earns a devil fruit. [/list] [list] [*]A mission goes horribly wrong. A woman's dieing breath is used for one command, to kill all involved. Everything goes black. [/list] [color=LightBlue][b][u]Fruit[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Hiba Hiba no mi (Spark Spark Fruit) A Paramecia-type fruit that gives off the illusion of a Logia-Type. Sparks are created by friction that creates immense heat, so Rayne' power focused on that and the manipulation of concentration of oxygen in the air. Static electricity is created when he snaps his fingers, which creates sparks. This highly volatile 'spark' ignites a dense patch of oxygen that he creates which ignites the air. Rayne can raises the density of the oxygen surrounding his target to a level at which it becomes volatile and creates narrow pathways of oxygen between himself and his target through which he can direct the ensuing flash fire that blossoms from the spark of his fingers. As a result, he can incinerate any number of enemies in the field while deftly avoiding any adjacent allies. The 'snap' sound heard at the start of these attacks is caused by the instantaneous speed at which the highly concentrated gases and sparks react together and pop. Rayne can manipulate this to a point were he can create friction by rubbing the atoms on the surface of his skin with oxygen in the air. This allows Rayne to create a spark at any point on his body, allowing him to create a torrent of unnatural electrical fire that can set fire to virtually anything, even non flammable substances like rocks, metal, water, or create a small explosion with anything he is in direct contact with. Rayne can also manipulate it to the point were the constant barrier of static electricity he creates can be ignited, and the explosion can be controlled. This allows him to block blades and bullets with controlled explosions, any point on his body.[/indent] [color=LightBlue][b][u]Abilities/Race Traits:[/u][/b][/color] [list] [*]A martial art that mimics various animals and five elements, wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. This art teaches students use their energy to penetrate their opponents, sending it forward for thousands of miles. This art fits the Kiba fruit because, like fire, it is aggressive, expanding, and extravagant. [*]Near Genius Level Intellect [*]Gradual Proficienty in Armament Haki [*]Powerful Observation Haki [*]Immense Speed [/list] [color=LightBlue][b][u]Fighting-Style[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Rayne is particularly observant, taking into consideration even the smallest details of his surroundings in order to better understand and deal with challenges, but is above using cheap tricks or questionable tactics. Rayne is close to mastering Observation Haki, allowing him to even see those concealed. Using the information he gains from his opponent, he acrobatically subdues them, and if necessary, kills them. His Fighting style emphasizes long range techniques, quick advances and retreats, wide stances, kicking and leaping techniques, whirling circular blocks, quickness, agility, and aggressive attacks. Wielding dense beams of electrical fire, he utilizes immense speed and agility to win, taking calculated strikes to minimize his own fatigue, and ensure his enemies defeat.[/indent] [color=LightBlue][b][u][/u]Ship Position[/b][/color] [indent]Former First Mate of Sunny[/indent] [color=LightBlue][b][u]Bounty[/u][/b][/color] [indent]3,000,000 Beli[/indent] [/hider]