[quote=@hatakekuro] Is Overwatch really as good as they hyped it up to be? [/quote] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/88/00/28/880028e7264879a41ef30a44dd2fdfc6.jpg[/img] It's alright. I'm enjoying it mostly because it's something I can play with my best friend. Plus it's kind of my first competitive shooter, so I'm enjoying watching myself go from sucking to sucking not as much (Even though I'm told that this game is easier as far as shooters go). My only real gripe with it is that for 70 dollars, there isn't as much content on release as I was hoping for. I'm sure Blizzard will release more, but I'm worried it's going to be in the form of 80 dollar expansion packs like WoW. TL;DR Overwatch is fun, but I will say that it was hyped up a bit too much. I still love playing it, and as someone who does not like FPS games that much I think that might say something? Not sure. EDIT: For anyone wondering about the price, I live in Australia. I heard it's like 40 dollars for guys over in the US but in AUD that comes to around 70 bucks for us.