[center][I][h1][color=yellow] The Sunny [/color][color=red] Massacre Pirates[/color][/h1][/I][hr][h3]Our story begin in the East Blue, famous home of Roanoa Zoro and Monkey D. Luffy . The crew known as the Sunny Massacre Pirates are currently waiting for their captain to find a decent logpose . They are currently stranded on the Archepeligo known as the Conomi Islands. Little do they know he is also in search of a boat to hijack , as theirs is rapidly falling to pieces. He has decided to leave them with Xerxes in charge. [/h3] [hr] [h3][b][u][color=088A85]M a r x o [/color][/u][/b][/h3] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/drf4uf.png[/IMG] [b] East Blue | Conomi Islands[/b][hr] [color=088A85] " As you may know. Our boat is in shambles and we've lost the only logpose we have. The storm we rode in on wasn't one meant for surviving but somehow we've made. There's a couple bars towards the middle of town. Xerxes I would like for your to take what's left of our crew to get something to fill their weary stomachs. In the mean time I'll be in search of a logpose. Try not to draw any attention to yourselves. After all this was once a pirate island. I'm sure the marines haven't forgotten. I'm sure you are all itching to plunder and rape this land but control yourselves long enough for me to have what we need, especially you Xerxes. As for the rest of you, I see we have new recruits that have yet to be introduced properly . Get to know each other while I'm gone. This may be your only chance for awhile."[/color] With these words he took his exit leaving his crew in disarray . Marxo wasn't a man known to fear the marines . There had to be a reason for what he said. The question was would his crewmates heed the warning? [@dragonmancer][@malmshodes][@LokiLeo789][/center]