He wanted to refute Cam's assertion, that Avery wouldn't willingly send the duo into peril, but still...it would make sense if Avery had told the truth about this mystery liquid. Who else would have access, let alone the intelligence to build a tightly guarded compound with the limited resources available during this time frame? The plated armor that Connor had mentioned brought back memories of the attack on Omega, the assailants garbed in what could be considered similar bearings. They had been after Cam, they had wanted the box with the information...it did make sense. So they were hoarding resources for themselves, determining the fate of essentially the entire world and not caring about the collateral damage they did through their "all powerful" decision making processes. They needed to be stopped no matter what the cost. Cam was right. They couldn't trust Avery, not after omitting that the Harbingers was just a perverse label for what her former colleagues called themselves now. Did she willingly thrust them into danger, fully aware that the Harbingers would find Omega? Did Omega represent a threat to Avery's settlement, which could have been a Harbinger training compound? He grit his teeth, lips pursing as he nodded at her plan of action. "No, no, you're right, Cam. A lot more is goin on that we need to figure out ASAP." He examined the room before looking underneath the table, squatting down to discover a shelf with a number of rolled up pieces of paper. They had taken their packs and weapons upon entering, so pilfering the potential intelligence would be hazardous. Better to wait for an opportunity. A rush of wind flew through the room as Connor opened the door, slamming it against the wall as he pointed a finger at the duo. "You led them here, didn't you?" His hand quickly withdrew a small revolver from the folds of his coat, brandishing it with a wild look in his eye. "Wait, what? Led wh-" "Who do you think?" Connor hissed. From the only window on the southern side of the room, sounds of gunfire crackled in the distance, a few screams accompanying the symphony. "We made sure we weren't followed, did everything we could. Believe me, if the Harbingers are here, they're going to want us dead too." Connor's eyes lit up. "Oh? Is that so? Why don't I hand you over to them, then? Make it easier on us, use you as a bargaining chip?" "That really want you to do? You understand that you've put up resistance against them and I've seen their work. They take no prisoners. If you give us over, they'll kill all of you in the most brutal way possible. Let us help you fight them off, then we leave, no questions asked." A rumble from outside. Justin ran to the window to find a large truck with a covered bed that had a ceiling of at least eight feet. The truck stopped as gunfire assailed it, armored figures filtering out of the back, withdrawing assault rifles before returning fire. Connor had come alongside the scout and seeing the carnage, muttered: "Fine. Weapons are through the other door."