[center][img]http://s33.postimg.org/vqj29ghov/IMG_20160609_115231.jpg[/img] [h1][color=Crimson]Xerxes[/color][/h1][/center] [list] Location: [*] Archepeligo known as the Conomi Islands. [/list] [list] Interacting: [*][@dragonmancer] [*][@malmshodes] [*][@Ira] [/list] [hr] Xerxes found himself knelling on the Fly of what was left of his crews ship. His mind fuzzy, the last remnants of last nights memories being chased away by the realisation that it was new day. [color=Crimson]"Damn storm."[/color] he mumbled to himself despondently and he rubbed his aching neck. After a night of sudden, violent storms, he was forced to watch the newbies. Memories if the nights events came flooding back. Total darkness prevailed as clouds thickened and the sky was stricken, blotting out the moonlight and stars. The wind arose to push the still waters to choppy, which morphed into mountains of angry waves. The crew struggled to get the sails down, and to tie them off. They slipped on the rain soaked deck. When the others heard and saw how frightened the sailors were, they panicked. The wind slammed the rain into their faces like tiny stones and pushed their hoods back. The ship pressed, first up waves at forty-five degrees, and then crashed down jarring their bones. At one point the waves spun the vessel sideways. They held tightly onto the mast, onto ropes, onto anything. It was difficult to hang on. Xerxes chuckled to himself, he found the expressions on the faces of the crew members funny, fear gnawing at their very soul. Storms had a way if showing the true nature if a man, or was it when they first spilled blood, [i]'bah'[/i] Xerxes couldn't remember, didn't matter, he was in charge. As Marxo left, Xerxes calculated the money that the crew had left, little to none. Xerxes sighed, they couldn't rob anyone, so they were stuck. The most they could get with thier money was a slice of moldy bread. [color=Crimson]"Oi, neither if you wouldn't happen to have any Beli? If you don't, those 'bellies' of yours is gonna remain empty."[/color] he barked, turning to the pair who stood behind him, his goggles seemed to brighten glaring of the sunlight. Xerxes wasn't a harsh leader, he could care less what the crew did under his watch, but if the Captain ordered it he would carry it out.