Whelp, every fairy tale needs an antagonist. Here's my bid. [hider=Zande Khanda] [img]http://s21.postimg.org/8exw88luv/Khanda.jpg[/img] Name: Zande Khanda Epithet: The Vulture Age: 31 Height: 6'4" Weight: 195 pounds Race: Human [b][color=9e0b0f] Weapons and Equipment-[/color][/b] Two three kilo bearded sparth axes with snap button sheathes for fast access, weighted serrated knife with ten inch blade, blowgun and darts with inland taipan venom, teeny little leather pouches of spitting cobra venom, rubber soled boots with three eight inch steel claws on each foot, steel chestplate and spiked pauldrons, steel shinguards, underclothing made from dragonhide (like an extremely tough form of chainmail with no gaps), trained pet vulture acting as a spotter, black steel mask, fingerless iron gauntlets, berserker potions. [img]http://s11.postimg.org/hzka3mzoj/Jancro.png[/img] (The axe "Jancro", slang for Vulture in Jamaican) [img]http://s29.postimg.org/6mpuxfqp3/Hot_Steppa.png[/img] (The axe "Hot Steppa", slang for Free Criminal) [b][color=9e0b0f] Appearance-[/color][/b] Zande is a tall, lean man whose musculature is best likened to that of a starved jaguar. The dense, tube-like muscles adorning his long arms and legs allow him to exude a great air of physical prowess despite his wiry look. Unwashed dreadlocks hang over lurid, amber eyes whilst high cheekbones accentuate his abnormal jaw muscles, the feral aspect pushed even further by his sharpened teeth. He often wears the skulls of recent victims upon his belt and is not often seen without his rubber padded, steel clawed boots and black steel tribal mask. Zande's cape, however, is by far his most recognizable feature. A skull and crossbones is sewn upon the ratty cloak, surmising the headhunter's passion for inflicting death. [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/rsroleplay/images/8/83/Pickleduch.png/revision/latest?cb=20141118032900[/img] [b][color=9e0b0f] Strengths/Skills-[/color][/b] Zande's untamed strength is far greater than his appearance would suggest, albeit reasonably less than that of a formidable professional weightlifter. He can wrestle and subdue wild beasts with just his bare hands and overpower a stronger opponent through pure tenacity. These traits greatly pale in comparison to his incredible biting and striking power. He can and has killed men with a single well-aimed punch, and never neglects to train his jaws by chewing through blocks of wood and chunks of rubber, being capable of chomping clean through an unhusked coconut with a single bite. The magnitude is most impressive near the back of his molars, where he can leverage out enough brute force to rival the PSI of a dire wolf. Equally impressive is Zande's great speed and agility, which his lean body is practically built for. He can scurry up and down trees in the blink of an eye and move with a silent swiftness that puts to shame his native brethren. He can amplify the potency of his physical capabilities by consuming a special potion, which grants him animalistic power at the cost of sanity and internal bleeding. [color=9e0b0f][b]Weaknesses~[/b][/color] Zande's aggression can be used against him with a little critical thinking, he has a crippling phobia of cats, and he leaves himself wide open after many attacks. [color=9e0b0f][b]Personality~[/b][/color] Zande is a ruthless, care free lunatic. He does what he wants, when he wants, regardless of the consequences. He's very passionate about his lifestyle, and has no respect for those that display fear or weakness. Quite the double standard, as he wets himself at the sight of kitties. His insanity is matched only by his mischievous streak, as he adores pulling pranks and screwing around. [color=9e0b0f][b]Background~[/b][/color] In the darkest depths of a savage jungle wilderness, shrouded in dread Congo secrets beneath a sky of eternal blackness, there existed a tribe of maneaters. One would think that there would be no bottom amidst the depths of their depravity. Yet, a young boy native to this landscape of monsters found it. The word "bloodthirsty" is often thrown about. However, no other description of Zande holds so true. He was exiled from his village for exceptional reasons and became a freelance mercenary and bandit leader, feared across the land. He's a cannibal and a headhunter, who seeks to further his reputation by collecting the skulls of formidable opponents. [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/rsroleplay/images/e/e1/Flippinbag.png/revision/latest/thumbnail-down/width/340/height/340?cb=20141121001056[/img] [i]Looking out from the entrance to Zande's lair. The inside is remarkably large, yet with so little elbow room.[/i] [color=9e0b0f]Theme Music-[/color] [youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzqVsul7ux0[/youtube][/hider]