[@Banana] "Ugh!" Claire grunted in reaction to the hit. It hurt like...well a spike going through her body. Not the best thing to wake up to. It didn't help that someone that she just barely recognized was uncomfortably close to her. Thankfully, the impalement didn't seem lethal. And apart from the initial shock, it wasn't that painful either...or maybe her earlier wounds weren't finished healing, and her body was just numb enough to not feel it anyway. "What the hell, Xoxi?! Why would...you..." Claire took a good look at the perpetrator, and realized that this person wasn't who she thought it was. "...You're not Xoxi." [center]Meanwhile...[/center] "Huh?" Resin looked to Purge, wondering if he heard the guy correctly. He had been wiping the blood off his knife when the two beings arrived. Although he enjoyed the chance to see Cherry throwing a tantrum at this sudden change, the squid kid was a bit curious about all this. "Not that I mind the promotion-" "What promotion!?" exclaimed Cherry. "We're a band of bandits tha-Hey! Don't ignore me you fu-" "-but why?" continued Resin, ignoring Cherry. "What's happened? Where's the others?" While this was happening, Alias was just staring at Clariko. He didn't care about the fact that they were apparently unser the employ of someone else in the first place, nor did he care about Resin veing chosen to lead. What he was looking at was much more worrisome to him at the moment. His people knew the face of their goddess, and the face of her sister, but to see them like this... "You..." "Yes. Now follow me. For I have taken an interest in you. Serve me as you have my previous self, and I will make you my instrument. That which will slay my foes, and sound the coming of a new age." [center]Meanwhile...[/center] "[color=ed145b]Alright, then.[/color]" On cue, the mists crept up to them, and the Slimilili cheered. A moment passed, and their voices faded away. They were no longer where they were. In truth, the place they were at was a complicated matter. Nothing but they produced sound. They were surrounded by mist and fog. "[color=ed145b]Hey...While I look for this thing, can you tel me somethings? What exactly are you a deity of? I don't keep myself in the loop that much.[/color]"