[img]http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk12/Taunter/Part14.jpg~original[/img] A manhunt begins the night for John III Sobieski. Though he may have been the Grand Duke of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, he clearly could not defeat a five-man hit-squad of presumably mixed intentions. Homoesexuality reigns in the midnight, with Nigel Farage and Ceasar Augustus' Depression as well as Andrew Jackson and Andrew Hussie having sex. [img]http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk12/Taunter/Part15.jpg~original[/img] Possibly enraged that the writer and artist behind MSPaint Comics and that one shit comic about trolls slept with his husbando, Otto von Bismarck kills the young-adult internet artist while Ceasar Augustus' Depression makes a video game, no doubt about all those fantasies he has about winning the battle of Teutoburg Forest. And also quiet plainly enraged about his homosexuality and liking a man over a woman, Mother Mary smites Andrew Jackson. And some other typical things happened. [img]http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk12/Taunter/Part16.jpg~original[/img]