Indeed Tess was freezing, hugging her knees to her chest and resting her chin atop them as she tried to keep the chill from her bones. Wasn't doing much good though, and the constant shivering and muted complaining around them wasn't helping her in the slightest. Catching movement though out of the corner of her eye she noted Richard shifting beside her. Seeming to shift closer to her actually. Was it that obvious she was cold? That was embarrassing, Keeping this thought to herself though, she nudged a bit closer to Richard in return until her shoulder bumped his. Once there the pilot stilled, staring blankly over her knees out at the encroaching blackness of the night. Marcus blinked up at Rin when she approached, hands pausing in their nimble examination as if tensing. Gradually they returned to the task and he watched her take a seat beside him. "Good." He exhaled softly, tucking his feet further beneath himself once finished with the gun. "Thats something then." Carefully he set the gun aside, resting the butt of it in the pine needles around the base of the tree and the barrel against the trunk.