(Slight ooc ship, to add to the tension and mystery and emphasize the sheer technological advantage the Andalites have.) The shell of the ship was impossibly hard, and radiated a chill that shouldn't be there considering it had been a flaming ball from space just moments ago, but even still the ship was in quite the state, and the door popped open with [i]'thunk'[/i] sound. It wasn't a large ship, but it barely fit into the category of 'fighter' being smaller than an airplane, but still managing to take up a decent amount of the lot. It was a wonder no one had been crushed, or that none of the debris had fallen far enough to cause damage to the mall itself, or even any of the cars. The ground was thoroughly destroyed though, huge cracks and crumbling asphalt spread out like some giant spider's web. A voice like a bell suddenly made a noise that [i]might[/i] have been a groan of pain, but it was alien, and most surprisingly, not at all physical. It was a sound in their heads, and it was unlike anything Humans had heard before... or so they thought. Andalites had visited this planet before, and more recently the Yeerks had appeared, their voices were eerily like the Andalites' thought-speak, not that any of the people gathered there knew that. The blue inner light now shown clearer, but it was no less dim, as if it only barely had the power to stay lit. It illuminated their faces, each one peering to get a look at the interior, but it was nearly empty, except for a corridor that lead straight into the circular center of the ship, where the light was coming from, but only a faint mix of colors could be seen; a green circle that seemed almost like a carpet, but was in fact shortly trimmed grass, genetically modified to be nutritious and densely packed, looking almost like an excessively soft bed of green carpet, and the light metals of the walls were dented and decorated in asymmetric black lines, but most concerning was the dark splatters of metallic looking dark blue liquid, which was not paint or spilled alien fuel, but Andalite blood. From the end of the hallway, the inner portion of the ship could be seen, cast in that eerie dim blue light. The ground was grassy, and seemingly undamaged, except for the odd dark splatters, and the central area was near empty. The back wall was covered in screens, all dark now, and the front had just as many, as well as numerous panels and control systems, some of which were flickering holograms, the clearest of which was a globe of Earth with a golden marker indicating San Francisco. These were but footnotes however, for the real eye catcher was the blue alien slumped over the side of the controls. He had six limbs, built almost as if a centaur had been the template, but with a scorpion-like tail, a mouthless face, and an extra set of eyes on stalks. With one arm the alien held itself up from totally collapsing, but remain slumped, in it's other hand was a glowing blue cube, which was the source of the dim light. As they came closer, the alien's head swiveled to look at them, a horrific gash across his face and terrible burns all down his right side. He weakly curled his tail closer to himself, holding the blade on it over the cube in his hands. [i]"Controllers?"[/i] He queried softly, but the tone was only because of his fatigue, even weak and defeated the alien practically hissed the words in a venomous combination of anger and grief.