"Why?" "WHO?!" His questions accelerated through the vicinity, his clothing already tattered from his seething anger causing him to rip at the cloth covering his form, revealing his gills. The blue optics wandered as the digits dug into the right and left sides of his inside trench coat pockets, hiding his gills. The beating sun focused its arrogant rays upon his bodily structure, his scales being affected by the sun-spears that never layed its sight from him. Soon enough, he would be dragging himself out onto the ground. He remembered nothing, and he did not know why.. why he was so weak in the sunlight. When he stared up into his face, it blinded him and burned his scales. When he looked around, to see others, they were not the same. From the sight of him they fled with fear covering their force of willpower. With his head bowing down, he began to walk onward into the confines of the beach. The Atlantean, unbeknownst to himself, straed from the others that were aliens to him in looks. Though, he saw one thing that stood from the ordinary.. An unusual female with beautified skin in the sun, her pinkish-purple hair tied in another unusual turn with bands of obsidian black. The expansion of his confusement and wander did not strike him so much that he walked over to her. He stares at her one last time, before coming outward land. The beach was left behind him, the seagulls dispersed from their groups as they screamed towards the Atlantean male, his hands pocketed as he stared on to the large tower, decorated with beautiful glasses to create the unreal view of the sea in front. A kind of place, he would like to stay. He smiled as he came towards the tower. Suddenly, the ground shook compellingly, with the roar of an unknown creature entering the vicinity. His head cocked to the side with suprisement, to find the large truck moving on towards him. Energy drained from him due to the suns rays dehydrating him at speeds of inhumane level had left him to weak in the mind to calculate what was going on.. and his thinking wasnt fast enough, anyway. His arms covered his head as he cocked his head to the side at break-neck speeds.. prepared to be hit by the oversized automobile. Shrapnel cut throughout the vicinity and reached the yonder above, as did a blood-curdling shriek of a surprised human. When his dark blue optics opened, pieces of strayed metal were in front of him, and on his left and right sides. Steam arose through the area, circulating around him as he unknowingly breathed in its toxic form. His eyes wandered-- crushed metal, flames, and a slumped human on the ground. The horns continued to honk on towards him, many began to scream and run at sight of the destruction. The boom of sound from the crushed car by his inhumane strength causes people from miles away to stare out, confused. Slowly dropping to his knees with the hat slumping to the side next to his right hand, revealing the strands of his long black hair that draped down to his shoulders. His breathing stopped.. the darkness overcoming the area around him as he collapsed in front of the large tower, slumped over with his limbs sprawled out. The uncontrollable urge to dig through the ground and suck all of the water from the pipes running in the city pumped his will to get up once more.. His digits that ran across the glass cracked it, tapping it once with his index finger to cause the shattering sond to run through the tower. His teeth gritted as the power of will fought against the fear of death and weakness that sent his disorted bodily structure into a state of mind where darkness reaped as long as Death's scythe. His knees digging into the ground as his back lays against the seething, burning ground under him. The pieces of freshly hot rubble on his hands. Showing his inhumane canines as he slumped his head onto the side to reveal his state of drout, staring up towards the tower.. wandering, what was in its confines. What if.. what if there was a tower of water behind it? This thought sent him down into a complete state of darkness, the flame of will burned out.. consciousness dispersed.