[center]The time was finally here. The time most guys and girls actually enjoyed the football season for - Homecoming. The previous day was the assembly, honoring the alumni class of '59, '69, '79, '89, '99 and even '09. Along with that, they announced the homecoming court and of course, there was Freshmen attendants, along with Sophomore and Juniors attendants, as well. The leading Seniors attendants were most likely to become homecoming King and Queen but that will be announced during the homecoming dance, later that night. After the assembly, the school dismissed early because of the parade that was to be down along a street nearby the school. Later that night, the game was played against their arch rivals the Berkley Knights. It was back and forth action all the way through but of course, the Beverly Hills Normans reigned victorious and came out on top. They beat the Knights 34-27. Now, a new day arisen within the distant hills of Beverly Hills and the day everyone was waiting for had arrived - The homecoming dance. The dance was to be hosted in the gymnasium of Beverly Hills High. After a day of making last minute preparations to whatever they needed, night rolled around quickly and most were already making their way towards Beverly Hill for the dance. Tonight was the night for everyone within the Beverly Hills High community to come together and make tonight as memorable as ever.[/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Dominique%20Saunders&name=Garton.ttf&size=75&style_color=26AFFF[/img] [b][h3]&[/h3][/b] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Tristan%20Saunders&name=Champignon.ttf&size=75&style_color=204F05[/img] [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] 5:45 → 6:45 P.M. [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] The Saunders Residence → Beverly Hills High Gymnasium [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Analise & Lucky via text-[@Aewin] | Audrey via text-[@Dirty Pretty Lies][hr][/center][indent][indent]She was ready for the night and her expressed face showed it as she was smiling while sitting at her vanity mirror. She was certain that she was becoming homecoming queen and no one stood a chance against her but you never knew with the people she went to school with. Dominique stood up as her mother and father entered her room, which caused her smile to widen. [b]"We're so proud of you, sweetheart. We know you'll reign over Beverly Hills."[/b] Her mother said while glancing up towards her teary eyed father. Note, they are still divorced but wanted to come together for Dominique's and Tristan's big night. Speaking of Tristan, he waltzed his way into Dominique's room and caught sight of her [url=https://www.lindadress.com/content/images/0003550_bright_orange_prom_dresses_2015orange_long_layered_prom_dresses_wm.jpg]dress[/url]. [color=234f05][b]"Wow."[/b][/color] Escaped through Tristan's parted lips as she turned and faced him now. [color=26afff][b]"Wow, yourself."[/b][/color] She sent a wink his way as she also reviewed over him in his [url=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0e/e5/c0/0ee5c0e8926decf8e08e99765a2e231d.jpg]tuxedo[/url]. Dominique walked over towards Tristan and stood beside him as their parents took quick snap of a few pictures. The honk of a horn came from the outside as Dominique exhaled and smiled. [color=26afff][b]"Well, here we go. We'll be back home after midnight."[/b][/color] She had stated as they both walked down the stairs now. Ahead was their limo for the evening and she had her most trusted driver to drive them. [b]"Ah, hello there, Alfred."[/b] She said as he opened up the door. [b]"Looking good Mrs. Saunders. You as well, Mr. Saunders."[/b] Alfred tipped his hat then closed the door behind them as Dominique squealed. [color=26afff][b]"So happy."[/b][/color] Tristan eyed her with a smile as she pulled out her cell phone and sent out a group message. [center][b][color=25afff]To: Ana & Audrey Making my way to the school in style. Please wait outside for me?[/color][/b][/center] [center][b][color=25afff]To: Lucky Hey there. Are you coming to the dance?[/color][/b][/center] After she sent out those messages she then scooted a little closer towards Tristan and held her phone up a little higher, snapping a picture of both of them then posting it on various social media sites with the caption: Heading to the BHHS homecoming dance with the bro. #lookingcute #bejealous. She posted the picture then looked at Tristan, placing her hand on top of his. [color=26afff][b]"Aren't you excited?!"[/b][/color] She asked him as he nodded his head. [color=234f05][b]"I am but remember I am not excited as you. This is your last year plus you have a date and someone to actually talk to. You're even nominated! I'll be the usual wallflower."[/b][/color] Tristan said with the shrug of his shoulders as Dominique leaned back in her seat and looked forward. She needed to cheer Tristan up but didn't really know how to right about now but she decided not to meddle with her brother sadness or else she was going to be sad, as well. Dominique and Tristan were nearing towards the entrance of the gymnasium and felt the limo stop. [b]"We're here, Mr. and Mrs. Saunders."[/b] Alfred told them as the door opened and Tristan followed by Dominique were emerged from it. The underclassmen that were stationed outside eyed them both and even muttered towards their dates and friends. Dominique's eyes gleamed at the outside setup, which had orange, black and white balloons lined up alongside a red carpet. The entrance doors had black and orange streamers flowing to the ground. Dominique couldn't wait to see what the inside looked like. [color=26afff][b]"Tristan, stay here and alert me for when Audrey, Ana or Lucky get here. Okay?"[/b][/color] Tristan nodded his head as Dominique thanked him while scurrying inside now. Nothing really special there expect the same balloon display that was outside setup around the gymnasium along with the streamers. Honestly, Dominique was disgusted and saw that there was little to no effort put in the decorations this year. She continued to walk around the gymnasium then leaned against a railing, staring at the small stage up ahead and wondering to herself if this was actually going to be her moment or not. Next to the stage, she realized that there was a DJ booth so obviously there wasn't going to be a band present this evening. [color=26afff][b][i]'I should've threw the homecoming dance.'[/i][/b][/color] Dominique said while lowering her head and checking her phone, seeing she had a message from Tristan. Dominique was really surprised as to see who showed up first, well after her anyway.[/indent][/indent]