[hider=Outer Banks Republic] [b]Name of Nation:[/b] The Outer Banks Republic [b]Flag:[/b] N/A [b]Map:[/b] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/2c2e/f/2016/161/8/2/outer_banks_by_aaronmk-da5rbge.png[/img] [b]Government Structure:[/b] The Outer Banks government is a very loose republic made up of three branches. [i]The Captain's Quorum [/i] The electorate and legislative body of the Outer Banks, the Captain's Quorum is made up of every citizen who owns and operates their own ship. Every man is captain of his own boat and every man has one vote. The current Quorum is made up of roughly two hundred captains. The Quorum meets once a year for a three week period. During that time they elect the Sealords and any other officers they need, as well as pass any laws that are needed. [i]The Sealords[/i] The Sealords act as executives for the Republic. They all must be members of the Quorum for at least six years before they can be elected. They are elected by the Quorum to two-year terms, no Sealord serving more than two consecutive terms. They enforce the laws of the islands and conduct the day to day business of the government. Any executive decision must be passed unanimously by all three lords. [i]First Sealord[/i] The chief executive of enforcing laws, the First Sealord acts as head of the Republic's provincial law enforcement service as well commander-in-chief of the Republican Navy. The First Sealord serves as the president and chairman of the Captain's Quorum whenever it is called. He is considered as first among equals with the other Sealords, acting as chairman in executive committees. [i]Second Sealord[/i] The Second Sealord's duties rely more on foreign relations. As the chief diplomat the Second Sealord is responsible for maintaining strong diplomatic, cultural, and economic ties with the Outer Banks' trading partners. [i]Third Sealord[/i] The Third Sealord regulates commerce and collects the few taxes the Republic levies. The Third Sealord is also empowered to levy any taxes as they see fit, but only with a unanimous decision from the executive committee. He works with the Second and First Sealords to help balance the cost of government and keeping the Republic's governmental expenses as small as possible. [i]The Chief[/i] The top arbitrator in the Outer Banks, the Chief is responsible for upholding laws passing judgement on all civil and criminal cases. The post is elected by the Captain's Quorum for a five-year term. No man can serve consecutive terms as Chief. [b]Leader(s):[/b] Jock Munroe - First Sealord Earl Wallace - Second Sealord Peter Herring - Third Sealord William Meyers - Chief [b]Culture:[/b] The Outer Banks culture is one of Republican ideals, a mostly agrarian society that sprung up in the years since the collapse of the world. In the Outer Banks a man is free to be left alone and live in peace from interference from outside forces. An ideal Jeffersonian Democracy where the power is invested in the people of the countryside. Although a now growing class of wealthy merchants are attempting to change the shape and form of the Republic. As wealth floods into the nation, there are those who are prepared to fight for the very soul of the Republic. The great divide does not lie in race, religion, or sex, but in seagoing and land lovers. Those that have no taste for the waters are looked down upon by the sailors who earn their living in the ocean. The merchants are viewed with contempt by the fisherman due to their large accumulation of wealth and ownership of many ships, giving them a seemingly unfair advantage in the Captain's Quorum. [b]Demographics:[/b] White: 70% Black: 25% Other: 5% [b]Nation History:[/b] The Outer Banks formed hundreds of years ago through a loose confederation of inhabitants on the islands and lands around the North Carolina coast. As raiders and pirates preyed on the ships and farmers on the islands, the communities united together to put down a threat. At a meeting on Roanoke Island, a quorum of ship captains met to form a posse. This makeshift fleet of fishing vessels set sail and laid waste to the predators in the area. It was known as the First Quorum and broke up soon after the threat passed. Forty years later, more threats required the meeting of the Second Quorum. This time, after the pirate menace was put down the ship captains returned to Roanoke and set up a government. With each island represented by its ship captains, the charter for the Outer Banks Republic was created. Very little has changed since then. Life goes on, the navy repels threats of pirates, and the people of Outer Banks do their best to live in harmony. [b]Description of Economy:[/b] The Outer Banks economy is one based on fishing and ship building. The islands and towns are mostly agricultural, but the few not involved in farming and fishing are craftsman who build and repair the ships In addition, Roanoke Island is the home of a growing merchant class that trades with settlements up and down the Eastern Seaboard. [b]Description of Military:[/b] There is no such thing as a standing army in the Outer Banks, and the Republican Navy is compromised of just a half dozen ships. Times of crisis will result in an emergency draft. Reserve soldiers will be called to duty, and ships in the reserve navy will be drafted into service. All told, the Republican military forces number maybe a thousand men. [/hider]