[h1][color=red]Archer Kent - Atom Bomb[/color][/h1] [hr] [hr][@Morose] Archer really was pumped for some paintball. He hadn't played for a while, but still. The objective was pretty easy. Shoot to win, and capture the flag. Archer was also really glad he was on the team with the soldier of the group. Considering that he was the man that had more training then anyone in the room. Archer's hand pulsed with red energy, and sparked. [color=red]"Whoa..!"[/color] He yelled, practically jumping like an cat. Apparently his powers also work when he's excited, surprising. He just hoped that they would be able to use their powers on the battlefield. This was going to be fun he thought. [color=red]"Hey, Vivian, you good at paintball?"[/color] He asked, he didn't want a bum on the team. He was really competitive.