[hider=Alexandra Ivanov] [center][h1][color=92278f]Alexandra Ivanov[/color][/h1][hr] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/8TxrArP.jpg[/IMG] [b]"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"[/b] -[b][i]Mahatma Gandhi[/i][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYGdLMf9hzM]True Colors[/url] [/center] [hr] | [color=92278f][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Alexandra Ruslana Ivanov | [color=92278f][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | Al; Alex | [color=92278f][b]Alias[/b][/color] | (The) Kraken | [color=92278f][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | February 10, 2000 | [color=92278f][b]Age[/b][/color] | 26 | [color=92278f][b]Species[/b][/color] | Superhuman | [color=92278f][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Female [s](Octopuskin)[/s] | [color=92278f][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Bisexual | [color=92278f][b]Alignment[/b][/color] | Lawful Good. | [color=92278f][b]In-Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | The first thing that people see when they look at Alex, are her arms. Where normal humans have arms, hands, and fingers, Alex has two giant, fleshy, purple tentacle arms. In their dormant form, they reach down to about her mid-calves. They are about as thick as a muscular male's biceps that taper down into a point, leaving here with quite a disproportionate body. She has several scars around her shoulder blades, as well as along the back of her neck. Due to her rather unique body, Alex has to have rather limited options when it comes to clothing. She'll most often just wear simple tank-tops, but when it gets cold, she'll opt to wear something like a sleeveless hoodie. Alex prefers anything that does not restrict her movement, which means she'll choose to mostly wear things like yoga pants and shorts. Jeans are only worn when she is going somewhere casually (Spoiler: That doesn't happen often). | [color=92278f][b]Abilities[/b][/color] | [b]Tentacle Arms:[/b] Her "power," as many people refer to it as, is her two tentacle arms. The massive blobs of slimy flesh gives her many options not available to other humans. For example, when fully extended, her arms can reach nearly 15 feet. This makes for an extended melee range, as well as the ability to climb, swing, and flip around while in combat. The sticky goo that is naturally excreted makes it much easier to grip onto things, along with the suction cups. Alex's arms are also capable of regenerating themselves in the event of them being injured. Even if they are fully separated from her body, they will grow back to full length within a week. Along with their regenerative abilities, they are capable of withstanding extremely cold temperatures. | [color=92278f][b]Limitations[/b][/color] | While her tentacle arms may be useful in combat, they make daily life quite a struggle. She is often incapable of performing many simple tasks, not to mention the stares that it causes. Extensive use of her arms' abilities will quickly lead to fatigue, leaving her vulnerable to her opponents. The arms themselves require constant moisture, and while they will secrete a substance of their own that aids in keeping them moisturized, if enough heat is applied and they are dried out, it causes Alex immense pain. | [color=92278f][b]Equipment[/b][/color] | [list] [*] A Google Glass-type of phone. The hands-free concept makes it infinitely more useful for Alex. [*] A canteen attached to her hip that contains excess tentacle-juice stuff, just in case her arms can't withstand the heat from the sun. [*] A wallet carrying her ID, credit/debit cards, and some cash. [*] A small bracelet given to her by her mother. Unfortunately, it doesn't fit very well on her arms, so she just keeps it in a pocket. [/list] | [color=92278f][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | [list] [*] Stoic [*] Determined [*] Modest [*] Self-conscious [*] Moralistic [*] Untrusting [*] Private [/list] | [color=92278f][b]Personality[/b][/color] | Alex is quite soft-spoken, and will keep to herself for the most part. It is unlike her to open up to just anyone, due to her past. It has become a habit of hers to not trust anyone right away. While she'll respect someone upon first meeting them, she will almost never offer trust immediately. However, once she has determined someone as trustworthy, she will be extremely loyal to them. Alex tries to cover up her inner sadness with buckets full of happiness. She'll try to be so artificially happy that it almost seems fake. It is her defense against the thoughts of her past, which she tries so desperately to lock away. This can be difficult for her to keep up, though, and she will often end up simply staring into space. Anything is better than focusing on the sad parts of her life. | [color=92278f][b]Quirks[/b][/color] | [list] [*] Alex is not very good at recognizing humor. [*] She has quite a maternal instinct, even to those she hasn't met. [*] Alex will twiddle her "thumbs" when she is in public as sort of a nervous tick. [/list] | [color=92278f][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | [list] [*] She used to be a gymnast, and casually still practices whenever she can. [*] Learning/Studying. In particular, she has a knack for chemistry. [*] She has taken to knitting recently, which has proven to be quite difficult. [*] Alex will occasionally attempt freerunning/parkour, but only at night, and in the least populated parts of the city. [/list] | [color=92278f][b]Likes[/b][/color] | [list] [*] Italian food [*] Romance movies [*] Happy-endings [*] Competition [*] Upbeat music [*] [s]Long walks on the beach[/s] [*] Climbing [/list] | [color=92278f][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | [list] [*] Dogs [*] Cats [*] Cheesy humor [*] Orchestral music [*] Imitations of her accent [*] Being underwater/wet [/list] | [color=92278f][b]Fears[/b][/color] | [list] [*] Needles [*] Mad scientists/scientists in general [*] Darkness [/list] | [color=92278f][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | Alex was born in Moscow, Russia. Her family lived there for generations. Alex moved to California in 2018. | [color=92278f][b]Family[/b][/color] | [list] [*] Nadia Ivanov: Mother (1980-2011) Powerless. [*] Ruslan Ivanov: Father (1974-Present) Powerless. [*] Dmitri Ivanov: Brother (2006-Present) Powerless. [*] Isaak Ivanov: Brother (2006-Present) Powerless. [*] Natalya Ivanov: Sister (2008-Present) Powerless. [*] Nikolai Ivanov: Brother (2011-Present) Powerless. [/list] | [color=92278f][b]History[/b][/color] | Alex was the oldest child, with her four other siblings all being born after her. Her two oldest brothers are twins, Dmitri and Isaak. Growing up, she lived a relatively normal life. She went to school, played in sports, and made friends. Her mother and father both had stable jobs. Her dad was a marine biologist, while her mother worked as a teacher at the local elementary school. Everything was perfect for the Ivanov's, at least on the outside. Alex's mother, Nadia Ivanov died of apparently natural causes in 2011, several months after giving birth to her last child, Nikolai. The family mourned, as any other family would. The kids never got the opportunity to see their mother after hearing of her death. All viewings were strictly forbidden by their father. No matter how much Alex begged to see her mother before she was buried, her father refused. This caused a huge rift between Alex and her father, one that has yet to be restored. With the death of Nadia, the Ivanov's weren't ever really the same. Alex's father withdrew them all from school and kept them locked up in the house nearly all day, every day. He didn't allow any outside contact. The kids were completely secluded from the rest of society. Unfortunately, this was just the beginning of their mistreatment. Alex's father was mad with theories about the human body. He would go off on rants about how inefficient they were, and how they needed to find a way to revolutionize the way humans work. Well, he took it upon himself to begin the revolution. He took Alex, the oldest of the five kids, and began extensive experiments on her. He would restrain her for several days while she was attached to all kinds of tubes with fluorescent fluids pumping into her veins. Her father wouldn't give in to her screams. Instead, he chugged along, jotting down notes on his notepad and completely ignoring his daughter that he had previously loved so much. He had become a completely different man. She had been locked in the basement for several months. No sunlight, no contact with her siblings, nothing. Just the spoon-fed porridge that her father brought down to keep her barely alive. Her father, for the first time in months, spoke. He told her that the day had come for them to complete the process. Without another word, he brought out a large bone saw. He immediately took to her arms, cutting them as close to the shoulder as he could. He had no means of obtaining an anesthetic for her, which only made the pain that much worse. Within only a few weeks, her once human arms had been replaced by a pair of fully-grown octopus tentacles. Alex's father had done it. After countless years of research, he had used his daughter as his guinea pig, and proved to be successful. Of course, in Alex's eyes, he was a monster. Her father tried countless times to convince her that he had "improved" her. She wouldn't buy it. Her resistance led to her being kept in the basement for several more months, as sort of a cooling off period. It didn't work. Her feelings of resentment turned to anger, which turned to spite. One day, when her father had come to give her a bowl of slop, she broke out. Despite their vast physical differences, she was able to overpower her father with her arms. She fled to the nearest airport, where she was able to sneak onto the cargo hold of a plane headed for the United States. She was leaving her siblings behind with their monster of a father, which pained her the most. She had been able to save them for a few months by being her father's lab rat, but he would no doubt turn to the others for his insane experiments. Alex promised herself that once she had time to reestablish herself as a normal human being, she would return to help rescue her siblings. Once in California, Alex took to living on the streets. Or rather, under the streets. She took up residency underneath the Coronado Bridge in San Diego, only going into the city in the dead of night, wearing extremely baggy clothing to conceal her arms. She knew that if anyone actually saw her arms, they would freak out and most likely call the police. Or animal control. Somehow, someone knew of her "powers" and that she was different from the others. A letter found itself lodged underneath her pillow one morning, which had accurately described her, down to the arms currently hidden underneath a hoodie. It was inviting her to something called the "Powerbound Alliance". She was skeptical at first, but decided that whatever it was would be better than living under a bridge, or in a basement. | [color=92278f][b]Extra[/b][/color] | Ant-Man is pretty cool. My time-zone is GMT -7/Arizona. This is a High-Casual RP, so I suggest you bring your A-Game! [sub]Face Claim: Anastasia Baranova[/sub] [/hider]