Riley was on one of her evening runs like she had always done just to stay in shape, that and she enjoyed running while the sun was setting. Her usual route was always by the old mall that barely anyone ever used anymore. Riley was jogging past the mall when she stopped to feel the earth starting to shake, she actually thought it was an earthquake which was a common occurrence here in California. Riley slowly walked towards the back of the mall and quickly covered her mouth with her hands seeing what looked like an alien space ship, she looked around seeing a group of other people who happened to be near it and see what it was. Being a bit adventurous and intrigued by it maybe it was out of stupidity or curiosity she slowly started to approach it seeing the bright lights shining through the opening as Riley was one of the first to enter the alien craft. She looked around the small hallway until she entered a room, there Riley saw a holographic image of Earth, as well as a marker pointed over San Francisco. Then she heard a voice in her head, and with a terrified look she could see what looked like an actual alien in front of her holding a strange glowing blue cube. She slowly approached it kneeling down but still kept her distance. "What are you?" Riley asked.