At first he expected her to be vile towards him because of the somewhat rude and up front way he had spoken to her earlier. He wasn't good with people, not girls in particular, especially girls he thought were good looking. When she said she had had worse days he smiled at her a little as she looked up at him. She looked awful. Her eyes were red and puffy, her face was red as well and tear-stained. He could only imagine how badly her head must of ached from crying so hard. [i]"How about that drink?"[/i] She offered. Seeing her like that brought back memories of when he was young. When he used to cry like that. When he used to cry for mercy from the villains who would do terrible and painful experiments on him. A pounding in his head caused his hand to go up to it. "Ugh..." However, his face lit up and he looked into her eyes, hand still on his head. "Yes of course. I know a place that would let youngsters like ourselves drink without consequences. Well unless you plan on getting drunk. Which, doesn't sound to bad right now... Alright then!" The young man stepped away from the counter and held out his bent arm towards her like an escort. "M'lady?"